First Year in the Forest (HP request #3)

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Caroline's POV

A harsh banging sounded at my dormitory's door, waking me up from a peaceful slumber. I groaned and pulled the pillow over my ears, shutting out the noise momentarily before I heard the door fling open and felt someone shaking my shoulder roughly.

"Wake up! Caroline, get up!"

"Mmumph," I mumbled, rolling over and swatting the person's hand away. It sounded like a boy, but I couldn't be sure. With a few people in Slytherin, it could be hard to tell... Take Millicent Bulstrode for example. She sounds like a guy and has a stocky build, but has slight feminine qualities. And I do mean slight.

"GET UP!" The person bellowed, and there was no doubt in my mind that this was a boy. I flung off my sheets and blankets and glared at none other than Draco Malfoy, my fellow prefect. I was sure everyone in my dorm was awake, but they wouldn't come out. Least of all Pansy Parkinson, who was probably listening to Draco's and my conversation from behind her bed curtains.

"What do you want Malfoy?" I hissed, flicking my shoulder length red hair out of my eyes.

"The prefects are to report to Dumbledore's office... Something's happened to a first year and the Professors need all the help they can get." Draco responded, and I heard shuffling in the bed next to me. It was probably Parkinson... She's been jealous of me ever since I beat her for the roll of prefect.

"Fine," I said, shoving my feet over the side of the bed and standing up, stretching a little.

Draco stood near the door, watching me. I glared at him and shooed him out, latching the door behind him. I walked over to my trunk and pulled out jeans and an emerald green t-shirt. After I had put them on I yanked my robes over them and laced up my green and grey running trainers. I placed my wand in one of the concealed pockets of my robe and crossed the floor of my dormitory. I unlatched the door, walked down the hall and met Draco in the common room.

We stepped out of the stone wall and made our way up to the Headmaster's office. Draco seemed restless and on edge, but I didn't say anything. If he didn't want to talk to me, then so be it.

We walked along the corridors for several minutes before we bumped into a Hufflepuff prefect, of whom I forgot his name.

"Change of plans. We're meeting in the Great Hall." He said, and ran off. Draco and I looked at each other, shrugged, and followed quickly.

Tonight was going to be a long night.


Emily's POV

I sat by the Gryffindor common room's fire, scribbling away at my Transfiguration homework. Sure, O.W.L.'s weren't for another two weeks or so, but I still wanted to be ready.

A sudden banging startled me, and I jerked my head up to see Ron barreling down the stairs, fully dressed in his robes. I raised an eyebrow as he skidded to a stop right in front of my chair.

"Emergency... Just got an owl... From McGonagall... Great Hall... Gotta go...."

I raised my hand and stood up, setting aside my homework and flicking my long, light brown hair out of my eyes. "Wait, slow down a little. You got an owl from McGonagall, in the middle of the night, telling you to meet her in the Great Hall?"

Ron shook his head, then nodded it, as if he couldn't decide what I had said was correct or not. "Yes, I mean no. I mean... Partially. Geez Emily, don't make me think so much in the middle of the night!" He shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut and making me smile.

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