Èomer #1

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(I haven't seen many one shots or fan fictions for him... And I mean come on, he's pretty dang handsome too!)

You sat astride a black, female Arabian horse, the summer wind playing with your long (H/C) locks as you stared down the obstacle course before you with your bright, (E/C) eyes. The sun was giving an awful, blinding glare from the tall grasses dancing around your mare's hooves, and it made you squint your eyes to stay focused.

A walk in the park, you thought, as you surveyed the course. Your horse could do this in her sleep.

Nudging your horse, fondly named Naara, forward, your heart thumped loudly in your chest as the adrenaline coursed through your veins. Naara swiftly leaped over one log after the other, and finally, as the last obstacle loomed before you, she soared over a deep pond; her hooves seeming to have sprouted wings as she cleared the difficulties with ease. You sighed as the adrenaline rush faded, leaving your head throbbing. You pulled your horse back down from her full-tilt gallop and the two of you began the long ride back to the stables.


Upon arrival, you dismounted your ride and headed back to your small hut in Edoras. Normally you would have brushed down and cared for your horse after a ride, but today was different.

The King had summoned you.

Just why, you didn't know. He had been... Out of commission... For several weeks now, and only those closest to him were allowed to see him. The whole predicament seemed a bit fishy to you, but who were you to judge? You were just a Rohirrim maiden, of no worth to the kingdom of Rohan.

How wrong you were.


"Ah, (Y/N), good of you to come." A Rohirrim guard, Érodor, greeted you as you stepped into the hallway leading into the throne room of Kind Théoden's palace. You nodded your head in greeting. While you were a Rohirrim maiden, you were also one of the maid servants of the Lady Éowyn, and were seen often around the palace.

As you were about to walk through the grand double doors, Érodor stopped you.

"We must check for weapons." He explained.

You shot him a look that could have sliced an orc in half. "Érodor, you know me. Why would I have any reason to carry weapons into the throne room?" You reasoned.

He shrugged. "Sorry M'Lady, King's orders."

You sighed. The King's orders, or Gríma Wormtongue's?

That's right. Just because you didn't see the king often didn't mean you were oblivious to Gríma's slimy dealings. He had not only tried to deceive and possess Lady Éowyn, but he had also tried you.

That, you wouldn't stand for.

So, you allowed Érodor to proceed, but he did not notice (or simply chose not to) the jeweled pin in your hair, given to you by a special... man... inside those palace walls. When pulled out, the beautiful adornment became a small, but lethal weapon, laced with poison.

What? It was your own special touch.

Érodor finally came to the conclusion that you were "clean," and ordered the doors to open. Shooting him a thankful glance, you walked gracefully into the throne room, your (H/C) hair falling into your face as you bowed before the old and withered king Théoden. His pale blue eyes were sunken and unfocused as he raised one finger in recognition of your arrival.

You stood and looked about the room, your sky blue dress swishing about your boot-clad feet. "My lord, where is Éomer?" you asked, beginning to become fearful. Usually Éomer was present when you were around. And yes: he was the one who gave you the jeweled assassin of which you wore in your hair.

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