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Carmen set down her bottle of water and continued looking in the newspaper for any news on the Reggie Jones murder case. The police were still investigating, and that made her anxious and careful. Carmen had secured an apartment and a job answering phones at an expensive car dealership. The pay was great and had many benefits, but Carmen only took the job because it was close to Leah's school, and she could watch her daughter every day after work.

"Why are they still looking into that case?" The former crack-addicted mother slammed the paper onto the table. What could the investigators have that kept them on Reggie's murder case.

Carmen picked up her water bottle and took another drink. Again, she was getting worked up over nothing. These investigators had no evidence, and they saw Carmen as a victim. No one would point the finger at her, no one but Kate.

Carmen's lips transformed into a menacing sneer. "I hate her."

We know that you do. The voices in Carmen's head always spoke the truth.

"She did not read my letter because Leah is not here in my home. But, she knows that I deserve another chance with my daughter."

We know that she will not give you that chance.

Carmen got up from the table and walked around her kitchen. "She thinks that she can live in a mansion and play rich man's wife while I suffer. Reggie wanted me to suffer, and I beat him, and I will beat Kate too. Leah deserves my love and protection."

Carmen walked out of the kitchen and down the hallway.

She had tried to call Kate, but the number was disconnected. Her daughter was avoiding her. David had told her that the man Kate worked for acted like they were dating and was upset when David wanted to talk to her. Carmen was not surprised that Kate would not speak with David. Her daughter blamed her ex-boyfriend for the drug addiction that destroyed their family.

Carmen walked into her bedroom and began getting dressed for a meeting with the principal of Leah's school. She wanted to talk with this man and get him to see her point of view with Leah. Carmen did not care that the courts deemed her unfit to care for Leah and that she would remain with Kate.

What did these courts know about her suffering without her flesh and blood and her money? Kate was a vindictive woman that only wanted to punish her. She knew nothing about raising a child and was leading Leah into ruin. Carmen would make Principal Arnold Pate sympathetic to her situation and give her access to Leah.

"I am going to win his favor or bribe him with Leah's money."

Carmen walked over to her purse and pulled out her phone. She tapped on David's number and waited for the man to answer.

"Hello, Carmen,"

Carmen smiled. 'Where are you?"

"I am flying to New York."


"Kate and her boss are going there. Cassie Jacob's assistant gave me all the information about where they were staying, so I guess I will make an appearance and shake things up for them."

Carmen chuckled. "Who is this woman that is helping you?"

"Cassie wants Jacob to herself. I think that we can work together and get what we want."

Kate did not understand how persistent David could be when he wanted something. Her former boyfriend had hired a private investigator to find out where Kate had gone, and now that he was a successful speaker, David could win the love of his life back.

"Don't forget about giving Leah to me."

David frowned as he let the words that Carmen spoke fill his ears. Giving Leah to this monster would kill Kate, and that was not something that he ever wanted to do again. Carmen would never get her hands on Leah, even though he told her that he would help her; David never intended on going through with any of her plans.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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