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Kate followed Mr. Dreshian as he walked through his home. She was not well acquainted with the map, yet, and he seemed to know it. Jacob looked around at his clean and organized home with amazement. He had been away for a few weeks, and he did not remember it being so organized.

"Your mother had all of these projects in progress when I came to interview a few weeks ago. So, these are all her accomplishments."

Jacob looked over at her. "Are you always so straightforward with your answers?"

Kate looked up at him. "Yes,"

Jacob nodded and they continued on to the outer hallway next to the main kitchen. The head chef, Jack was usually yelling at someone about this time, but the kitchen staff was working quietly preparing lunch. He had no problems today.

"My mother said that you have a little sister living with you here."

"Yes, Leah, she's at school. She attends Holings Prep Academy."

Jacob grunted. "Make sure you feed her lots of cookies to return the energy that they suck from her body."

Kate raised an eyebrow. "I heard that it was an excellent school."

Jacob looked down at her. He would have never thought that his mother would pick a young woman for this position. She was not just young she was beautiful and educated. His mother had sent him all of her information. He did not understand her reasoning for this. She hated any woman that could take her son from her. What about Miss Jones made her feel safe about her. "When I went there I think that they were still worshipping the devil, but things change."

Kate chuckled at his response. She thought that he would be snobby and stuck up. She got that vibe from him when he was with Cassie, maybe being around his employees he was different. " Thank God that they do,"

They continued through the kitchen and came to an empty area that was connected to four different hallways. "The kitchen is the connector to everything that is all you have to know. North, South, East, and West this will take you wherever you have to go in the house."

Kate listened intently as he spoke. This was much easier than looking at the map. She began refolding the paper as Jacob watched. She was not afraid of the house. Most people that came here you could see it in there eyes when they looked at you. The only thing that Jacob saw in her eyes was determination to succeed.

"Edward can pick Leah up from school."

Kate nodded. "Okay, but I have to introduce her to him. She will not talk to anyone unless I say it's okay. But then again she does not always listen to me, so I want to apologize for anything that she may do ahead of time."

Jacob smiled. "I have small annoying cousins I understand the struggle."

Kate returned his smile. "When do you have to pick her up?"


He nodded. "I'll make sure that I don't have anything to do around that time."

Kate stared at him as he walked away from her. She quickly regained her senses and followed after him. "You don't have to rearrange your schedule for that."

"I need to work on some projects anyway and this is the most relaxing place that I know. It's okay Miss Jones."

"Oh, okay, thank you Mr. Dreshian,"

"I am human at home, people at work just makes me inhuman. I am sure that my parents informed you about certain people."

Kate nodded. "They have,"

Kate Jones{Editing}Where stories live. Discover now