Chapter 1

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-Y/N is a 24 year old from York who is desperate to find love. The year is 1738 and the notorious highway man Dick Turpin is currently 32 years old and a lot of people are searching for him in order to claim a reward of £200. Y/N's family are also searching for Dick Turpin as they need the £200 to survive. Y/N would try to find Dick Turpin while he mother took care of her younger siblings and while her father worked in a coal mine-

It was a Monday morning in the year 1738 and I had just been woken up by one of my younger brothers shaking my arms, "wake up, wake up, wake up!!!" He shouts as I slowly wake up, "I'm awake!! Just stop shaking me!" I get up from my bed, which is a piece of cardboard on the floor, an old rag as a pillow and another piece of rag as a blanket. When I'm awake and ready for the day I walk over to my mother who is nursing my baby sister, "morning mum! I better get going!" I said to mother as I leaned in to kiss her cheek, "bye love! Today might be the day you find Dick Turpin and bring the £200 home!" mother says with a smile, "yes mother I hope I find him! The money would help us out so much!!" I say as I walk out our half broken wooden door. I run towards the forest and I stop as soon as I reach the trees, I start to walk looking all around me cautiously. I look around so much I forget to look in front of me, someone jumps out of the bush and shouts "stand and deliver, your money or your life!!" I quickly look up, it's him!!! I actually found Dick Turpin!! He's absolutely stunning, his face is just gorgeous! I stand and just stare at him, he looks at me and chuckles "looks like I'll have to kill you then!" He says as he slowly starts to pull the trigger on his pistol, "please! No!" I say with a tear rolling down my cheek, he looks at me and slowly puts his gun away, "what are you doing? I thought you were going to kill me?" He looks down at the floor, "I've never not been able to kill someone before, there's just something about you..." He says as he takes a few steps towards me, "...there's just something about you." Dick says as he gazes into my eyes, as we are looking into each others eyes we hear a man shout, "look!!! He's over there!!!!" Dick and I look towards the man "oh shit." Dick says as he grabs my hand and runs towards his horse, "where are we going?!" I ask as he helps me onto his horse, "somewhere else!" He says as he gets his horse to run away, I hold onto his waist tightly. After a while we start to slow down, "I think we lost them, are you ok?" He asks as he gets off his horse "I'm fine! Where are we?" I ask as Dick helps me get off the horse, Dick looks around "I know we are still in York!" He says sarcastically, "right, but how far are we from where you stopped me?" I ask starting to get worried "listen, you'll be fine with me, I'll protect you!" Dick says as he leans in to hug me, we hug for a bit and then we pull away from each other, as I pull away I kiss his cheek, he smiles at me "what was that for?" I giggle at him "because you're protecting me, it felt right." I quickly look at the floor embarrassed, "hey..." Dick says as he lifts up my chin to look into my eyes, "I didn't say I didn't like it" He kisses me passionately on the lips, and we kiss for what feels like eternity, then it starts to rain, he picks me up and carries me to a shelter hidden in the woods. It's a small shelter but inside is a broken wooden bench and a few rags on the floor, "is this where you live when you're in these woods?" I ask as I gently sit on the bench, "pretty much." he says as he takes off his wet jacket and hangs it on a tree branch outside which is nicely situated away from the rain. "do you want me to hang up your jacket?" He asked, "yes please!!" I say as I take off my jacket and hand it to him, he walks back into the shelter and sits next to me, I lean into his arms "are you ok? Do you need to go back?" he asks quickly, "well I'll have to go home soon but I'm not sure I want to leave you." I say as I look up at him, he smiles and kisses me softly, I quickly turn around to face him, I sit on his lap while still kissing him, he takes off his shirt and quickly takes mine off too, we kiss a few more times and then I take off his trousers and he takes my skirt off...

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