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Nine | Ennia

Previously on epiphany;

Harry went into her house, and he saw her main room, of which he was amazed. He learnt that Eve paints, as well as has many more artistic talents and that, in fact, she wants to learn how to sing. (He offered to help). In the end, Harry and Eveline started painting the walls, with small talk along the way.
"You wouldn't get suspicious? Or tempted to go with anyone else?"

"I'm not that desperate, thank you very much. If I am in a relationship with someone it usually means that I know him enough to trust him not to cheat on me, and I for sure won't cheat on him. If i do want to be with anyone else, during the time that I'm with someone else, I'd break up my boyfriend first and then do something with someone else."

Harry didn't really speak after that, he did listen to her, though. Eveline thought that was the end of their conversation. It was not.

"Yeah.. I like the sound of that." Harry mumbled in what seemed like a note to himself and only, but Eveline heard. And it made her smile.


Quite frankly, he enjoyed Eveline's company. It's not that he doesn't have enough friends or people who won't talk to him as if he's not a famous multimillionaire celebrity, because that'd have been a lie. He has more than enough people that he trusts and cares about and enjoys spending time with them. Adding a new 'member' in this 'list', once in a while, was never a disadvantage.

Harry always liked the company of girls (not in a romantic and/or sexual way), especially after spending almost a decade with mostly four boys.

And he won't say Eveline is that different from other girl friends he has had in the past or still have now. He won't say he's thinking about her all the time, or that she has a unique personality, or that she thinks in a way that no one else does.

But she's something. He's met a lot of artists before, a lot of them who were passionate with their works and the results of it. A lot of them with weird personalities and authentic styles. A lot of them who didn't make art to sell it, but to express their feelings through it, to help other people realize how they really feel.

They don't have to paint, or sing, or to be dancers, or authors, or anything other than their true selves.

Harry knew. There are a lot of artists that didn't know they are artists. To him, artist is not someone who does something artistic for money; these people could be mothers, or uncles, or brothers and sisters; they could be people who did the graffitis on the streets, people who were writing poems to their textbooks during a professor's lecture, people who were singing while having a bath because they are too afraid or shy to do it in front of others, people who were growing plants in their back yard.

Being an artist doesn't mean that you need to have a diploma that shows to the world that you are an artist. It could be pure talent, or pure want. Not everyone is good at what they're doing, but if they like doing it, who are we to say they shouldn't?

Harry is an artist. Just because he doesn't have a degree doesn't mean he's not one, and just because he's famous and sells the results of his work, doesn't mean he isn't.

Eveline is an artist. Just because he was studying to get a degree doesn't mean she's not one, and just because she has other artistic hobbies that doesn't show to the rest of the world doesn't mean she isn't.

Harry and Eveline didn't talk much after their previous and almost-personal conversation. At first it could be categorized under "awkward silence", but then it was not.

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