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Ten | Deka

Previously on Epiphany;

When they finished painting, they soon transferred to the big room, the favorite room for the both of them. They soon started talking and they soon fall asleep. (Eveline asked him what else he had imagined himself to be, and encouraged him to be an actor).
"You would do that?"

"Of course, why not? I'm actually intrigued right now, I really want to see how this, I, will turn out if I were to be in a real movie. And I also want to see your cinematographic skills."

"Pff, they are awesome, no need to worry." She joked.

"I'm sure they are."

Eveline and Harry talked. And talked and talked and talked and talked.
Actually not for that long, maybe thirty more minutes until they were both dead asleep in that uncomfortable couch. The time was 5:45 PM when Harry saw Eveline closing her eyes, and 5:56 PM when he smiled (the smile that showed he was fond of the idea), and then closed his eyes, as well, for what it'd appear to be a four hour "nap".


When she woke up, it wasn't the times when the light gets into your face (and even though you can't open your eyes, you also can't let them close because of the too much lighting), nor the times when you wake up grumpy with a sore neck and body in general.

Eveline opened her eyes when apparently her body felt like she had gotten enough sleep. She wasn't tired, nor the adrenaline was flowing through her veins. She was okay. She opened her eyes slowly, and then closed them again, contemplating whether she should wake up or not.

She woke up, eventually. And, then, she saw Harry in front of her; eyes closed and mouth slightly open.

She laid like that for a few moments, wondering what it'd be like to have a boyfriend and wake up to this everyday. To a mess of curls and quite snores and pink lips and tangled arms. She wouldn't mind it, at all. She had done it before, with past boyfriends, when she was so sure they would end up married with kids, until she learnt he was thinking of breaking up with her for quite a few months.

She stopped staring at him, fearing the case he'd wake up and see her creeping on him like a mad woman.

She stood up, quietly stretched her body muscles, yawned, closed her eyes for a while and then opened them again. Should she wake up Harry? What time was it? She had to go to the toilet immediately.

When she finished her business in there (and took a glance at herself in the mirror, and fixed her hair without brushing them, and washed her face, and putting just enough concealer to cover some spots), she went to the kitchen, drunk a bottle of water, saw that the time was now 9:24, and realized she should probably wake up Harry.

Eveline moved again to the big room, and then close to Harry.

"Harry..", she nudged him slightly, to which Harry didn't move at all.

"Hey, harry..", she rubbed his knee and his arm and his hair. To the last one, Harry's breathing changed, and he murmured something that Eveline couldn't make out what meant.


"What happened.." He mumbled, his voice not hoarse enough not to understand him, since their "nap" didn't last long enough, though it was deep enough.

"Do you have anything else to do today? Because it's half past nine, and I'm worried you have to go somewhere.."

"No no I don't, um-", he mumbled once again and tried to open his eyes, although he massively failed. He put his palms in his face, took a deep breath and used them to open his eyes (in a cute kind of way, though. Like a small child).

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