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Four | Tessera

Previously on Epiphany;

Eveline explores Harry's house after his request to do so, and they wander around for about an hour. The last room was the recording studio, which was full of dedication letters and pictures of Harry's life so far, a thing that left Eveline with her mouth open, and eyes full of admiration. She noticed a bunch of journals next to his desk, but Harry wasn't really keen on showing her what there was inside of them.
"What are these?", Eveline asked looking at those God damn journals.

"Just some notebooks I've filled with lyrics and stuff." I tried to avoid the topic, not too keen on a stranger reading them.

I could see she wanted to ask to take a glance, only for these thoughts to be interrupted by my mumble saying, "maybe another time", kind of hoping it would, one day, become true.


When they finally finished the house tour (which by the way took us way more time that what it seemed like, almost an hour or so), they returned back to the main living room.

Harry's friends had stopped playing those board games and Eveline reckons they had stopped laughing a long time ago, though both her and Harry hadn't realized it, until now.

One of his friends had to leave, and then another one and another one, until they were only four people left.

By the time Eveline went to the bathroom and returned back, it was just her and him. She didn't want to come off as awkward (even though, unfortunately, she was), and she definitely didn't want to think that this was something more than it actually was.

They were just the two of them. In his house, but he hadn't just invited her, he had a whole bunch of people in here before her arrival, and now they just happened to have all left.

She sat next to Harry, suddenly wondering what the time was. Maybe she was intruding? Maybe he wanted to fall asleep. What if it was too late? How would she go back to her house?

Eveline quickly tried to find a clock on the walls of the house and when she didn't find any, she tried to find her bag and then her phone.

Harry must have seen her sudden change of mood, and possibly realized what she wanted to find out.

"It's about midnight, if that's what you're concerned about." He said looking at her. He kind of didn't want to let her leave just yet. "Do you need to be somewhere else?"

"No! Definitely not, I was just thinking that maybe it's late and you want to sleep? Or something? I don't know?"

"Hell no, it's only midnight, you don't have to leave unless you want to, of course," he answered to which Eveline just shrugged. She didn't have anywhere to go or to be right now anyway, or anyone to text that she wouldn't come back for at least some more hours. (The perks of living by yourself).

"So, what shall we do?"

"How can you have such a good grammar and accent when you're not from here?"

"Um, I don't know? I mean, I do know English, since I've studied them and all, even before university really, but yeah. You have a good grammar yourself?" That was, Eveline thought, the closest to flirting she could get.

"What about the accent?"

"It's not that difficult when you hear British accents all the time, to be honest. And, also, when I was like, I don't know, sixteen years old? there were these youtubers, I don't know if you remember-"

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