My Day

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Once I got into the car I put in my headphones and put on Ed Sheeran. He always calms me down.
I looked out the window and tried to forget where I was going.
"You're going to be fine." Josh told me, leaning back in his chair.
I must of given him a concerned look because his face softened a lot. He gave me a reassuring look and sort of patted my knee.
"Cora you are going to go in there and take it by storm." Colleen said, looking back at me through the mirror.
Suddenly, I felt angry. I didn't know why. I felt like they knew I was scared and insecure. I turned my music up extra loud and tried to close my eyes. After a few minutes we pulled up and they unlocked the doors.
"Do you want me to walk you in?" Colleen asked
"That's the last thing I want." I replied.
I knew that hurt her. I walked to the rolled down window and kissed her on the cheek. I threw my back pack over my shoulder and started walking in. First day of freshman year and I know absolutely no one.
I walked into the front door. This place was big. A lot bigger than any school in Santa Barbara. I managed to find my locker alright and get to my first class. Choir. I was so happy that was my first class. I was lucky enough to have a nice singing voice. Colleen and Josh have been training me vocally for a while.
I walked into a huge room. It was full of kids who looked just as uncomfortable as me. At least it was everyone's first day of high school. I sat in the back without anyone really noticing me. I sat there for what felt like an hour. Then a small girl with curly blonde hair came over and sat down next to me.
"Hi, I'm Chelsea. Can I sit here?" She asked.
I nodded and looked back at the ground.
The bell rang and everyone turned to face the front of the classroom. A young woman who could not have been much older than Colleen walked in.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen! I'm so excited to start this year with you! I'm Ms G. Most kids just call me G. I say we get started."
She took attendance. The she asked if any of us had any prior vocal training. I reluctantly rose my hand.
"Miss B why don't you sing something for us." She asked with kind eyes.
"Like what?" I asked. I knew my face was turning bright red.
"It's up to you." She said with a small smile.
I started singing the chorus of 'Thinking Out Loud' by Ed Sheeran.
After I finished everyone clapped. I sat back in my seat.
The rest of class seemed to fly by. The bell rang and I started to leave.
"Cora!" G yelled as I was walking out.
I turned around to face her.
"You're very talented," she said, "have you ever considered trying out for LAPAA?"
"I'm not even sure what that is." I replied.
"Los Angeles Performing Arts Academy. I know someone who teaches there. I can get you an audition. I'll help you prepare. They're school year doesn't start for a couple of weeks."
I must've smiled the biggest smile on the world. She gave me a sheet full of information.
The rest of the day flew by really fast. I couldn't wait to tell Colleen and Josh.

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