Family Dinner

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Nick and I were finished with our homework. We walked into the kitchen where Colleen was preparing food. Rachel was still watching the basketball game.
"What are you doing?" I asked Colleen.
"The whole families coming over for dinner." Colleen replied.
"Can Nick stay?"
"It's up to him." Colleen said.
Nick said he would love to stay. I was really excited because Nick rarely saw my whole family.
Pretty soon after people started showing up. First it was Andrew, then it was Simon and Teeny and Jackson. Finally Chris and Jess showed up. They've never meet Nick so I was a little worried.
"Aunt Cora!" Bailey yelled.
Bailey and Jakey ran into my arms.
"Hi kiddo's. What's up?" I asked.
"Nothing." Jacob said.
"Where's Aunty Panties?" Bailey asked rocking on her tip toes.
"Kitchen," I answered.
She ran off with Jake.
I got off my knees and went over to hug Chris.
"Hey CJ, how's life in LA?" He asked.
He's called me that for as long as I could remember. My middle name is Jane so that's how that happened.
"Ok I guess." I said. Sometimes I miss home but I would never admit to that.
"And who's the young man holding your hand?" He said with one of the awkward smiles he makes.
"Oh, Chris, Jess this is Nick." I said.
"Hi Mick." Parker said with his hand in his mouth.
"Aww!" Nick said.
Nick took him out off Jessica's hand and started giving him raspberries and tickling his stomach. Chris and Jess excused themselves and went to the kitchen. The other kids came in and we played pirates vs princesses. We had a really great time. After awhile Jess called me into the kitchen. Her and Colleen were standing by the stove.
"You really know how to pick them." Jess said.
"What do you mean?" I asked Jess.
"Nick's a good guy." She replies. "He's great with kids. You two will totally get married."
"Not until an appropriate time," Colleen said laughing, "don't get any ideas!"

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