Waste of space

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I woke up the next boring in a silent house. I checked the time.
9:30 am.
I was to late to go to class. I sat in bed for a while, contemplating what happened last night. I was still upset and I didn't want to see anyone, or talk to anyone.
I sat in bed trying to hear anyone. It seemed as if I was home alone so I decided to go to the kitchen.
I opened the door really slowly so the hinges wouldn't squeak. I tiptoed down the hall and turned to corner.
I saw someone I was not in the mood to see. It was Colleen. She was sitting on the couch editing. I figured it would be better for me to just turn around and head back.
As I was turning the corner I heard a voice ring out.
"Don't leave." it said.
I turned to see Colleen putting down her laptop and walking over to me.
I continued to walk down the hall but I knew she was gaining on me. I turned around to face her.
"What do you WANT?" I yelled at her.
"Just to talk," she replied.
"No thank you." I screamed running off to my room.
I turned on my computer and quickly tweeted
I shut the lap top screen. Why did I do that? I asked myself. I heard Colleen's phone go off. She was on the phone with Josh. They weren't happy about something, and I knew what. It was me. No one was happy.
I quickly pulled out one of Joshua's old cameras he gave me and hit record.
I'm sorry that I did this, I don't know how you expect me not to feel sorry. I'm so alone. I'm drowning and I can't swim. I'm a burden, and that's not what I want to be. So, enjoy your life burden free. Don't be to upset. We'll meet again someday. Have fun with your kid. I'm sure it'll be adorable. Lots of love to you guys.
I shut off the camera and opened my drawer. A small thing of pills greeted me. I told myself I would never use them, but everyone breaks promises. I popped the lid and swallowed them all. I laid in bed and cried until my vision went black.

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