Picking up Joshua

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When we got to the airport Colleen was a mess. She was checking her make up and readjusting her engagement ring.

"I'm so excited to see my bae." She said jokingly.

She knew I absolutely HATED when she said that.

She was looking for a reaction. She knew I was upset. I had to move in with her and Josh when our parents abandoned me. And now she doesn't trust me alone with my boyfriend. I'm thirteen. Calm down.

She quickly ushered me out of the car and made me wait outside holding a sign that said 'Welcome Home' in block letters.

I was still in my onsie because it was 3 o'clock in the morning. Colleen on the other hand was all dressed up.

She had on Joshua's favorite pink dress, her hair in a pony tail, and and black flats her make up was perfect.

I on the other hand looked like CRAP. I had on my favorite Mickey Mouse onsie that Jessica and Chris bought for me for my birthday.

Suddenly, Joshua came around the corner.

"Snoopy!" Colleen suddenly yelled.

"Fraggle!" Joshua yelled back.

They embraced and shared a passionate kiss. I was still standing there and I was starting to feel quite awkward. I waited until they stopped kissing and I walked over to give Josh a hug.

"Hey Cora, I heard you're gonna be rooming with us for a while." Joshua said with the most genuine smile in the world.

"Uh huh! Can you handle me?" I said with an even bigger smile.

"I don't know. I know how difficult you can be." He said sarcastically.

"Can we just go home now Colleen?" I said getting annoyed.

"Yes we can." She said.

We stopped for Taco Bell on the way home.

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