
51 2 0

Date created: 08/05/21

Date Finished: 08/14/21

Date Published: 10/04/21

Author's Notes: This chapter may be shorter than most. I didn't want to drag it out and let it become boring.

Warnings: None.

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Katsumi sighed as her flamed-haired friend left the butterfly estate, promising to return in a couple of days. She hated times such as this, where she couldn't be with him. She was not allowed to leave on her own unless accompanied by another hashira. It was rare for her to be alone on missions. Of course, all were during the day. But this was ridiculous...it was a mere cut on her hand. She could still fight. She wasn't some weak little girl.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she suddenly heard a screech outside, followed by yelling. Being the inquisitive woman Katsumi was, she stood up and walked to the door, sliding it open. The yelling continued, leading her outside to the training grounds. There were three boys, one that she immediately recognizes as Tanjiro. There was a...crying blonde boy clinging to him and a next to them a boy hearing...a boar's head?

She stood in the doorway of the building, watching the three. She could sense their strength, their courage from where she stood. She could also smell out each personality of the boys. Tanjiro, of course, was a very kind and caring boy with a heart of steel. The blonde...on the outside, he is fearful of everything, maybe scared of pain? But deep down, she could sense a sign of hidden courage. He is protective in his own way and needed help to bring it out.

Now for the boar-headed boy...he had the scent of the early, where he was raised. She guessed that he was lucky and was cared for by the animals. He acted much like one, so she figured out that he doesn't have much knowledge of human interactions, therefore causing him to act aggressive such as a boar. His aura was bright and powerful, and he runs off from strength and pride.

She was amazed by these boys. She knew that they had a great promise. This was the new generation of demon slayers. Maybe the last for she believed they could put an end to this raging war between the humans and demons. 

She was too busy in her own thoughts as a figure suddenly popped into her sight. She yelped as she stepped back, seeing the boar-headed boy standing in front of her. Hands-on his hips. 

"OI, what are you staring at, hag!?" he shouted at her.

Katsumi's eyes blinked slowly, processing what he just said...oh, he was much more aggressive than she imagined.

"Inosuke!!!" The blonde screamed as he jumped to his feet and tackled the boy...well tried to, only was thrown to the side.

Tanjiro immediately jumped into action and pulled him away from her before turning and bowing his head deeply in respect. "I'm so sorry, Ubuyashiki-sama! My friend here is..."

"Aggressive? It's Okay! I shouldn't have been staring for long. Also no need for formalities. Katsumi is fine."

Tanjiro quickly looked up at her with shock, face flustering with embarrassment. 

"You still haven't told us why you were staring!?" Inosuke snapped, crossing his arms over his chest with a huff...his beady eyes of the boar mask staring at her. 

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