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Date Created: 08/14/21

Date Finished: 8/18/21

Date Published: 10/04/21

Author's Notes: This chapter may be shorter than most. I didn't want to drag it out and let it become boring.

Warnings: None.

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Katsumi sat in her room at the butterfly estate, reading a book that Shinobu had let her burrow. Night had fallen, and tomorrow she should be able to return to her missions. This time, her time here was not in vain. Since the day she had lunch with the Trio, they had spent every free moment with her. Rather it was simply telling each other stories or her "tenderly" sparing with them with Shinobu watching. She had even spent time with Nezuko at night. The demon girl would simply cuddle to her side or lay her head on her lap.

They seemed to greatly enjoy her presence as much as she came to enjoy theirs. Her focus was lost from her book when she began to think about them. She felt almost like a mother when she was around them...Each didn't have such a figure in their lives anymore. She began to think of...what if she could be that figure?

Her wandering thoughts were interrupted when the door was opened than closed. A familiar fiery scent filling her nostrils, the scent she knew all too well.

"Kyojuro!" she dropped her book as she jumped to her feet, twisting around to see the flamed hair man standing by the door wearing his usual smile. "I am back, Katsumi," he said kindly, opening his arms when she rushed over to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Haha, I see you have missed me! I missed you as well!" he exclaimed as he embraced her tightly but then released her to check on her hand. "I see that you have been healing nicely while I was gone. I'm glad. The mission was quite boring without you with me!" he said, then looked up at her. "How was your stay here?"

"For once, I was quite nice," she replied, smiling when he gave her a questioning look. Releasing a simple "Oh?".

"Yeah! I have spent time with the younger demon slayers. Tanjiro and his friends," she explained, moving away and made her way back to the bed to pick up the book. "They are such a lovely group...different but promising. Especially that Tanjiro boy...he has such potential".

Kyojuro hummed as he followed her, taking off his hoari and placing it on the rack not far from the door. "That is good to hear! It's hopeful to hear of such youngsters and that you had fun. Shinobu had permitted me to stay if that is alright with you? I want to spend time with you before our next mission."

"You know that you don't have to ask Kyojuro. I always love when you stay. But first, I hope you are planning to bathe? You have dirt smeared on your face~" she softly teased him, which caused him to wipe at his face rapidly.

"Haha! I will, dear friend. I'll be back in a few moments!" He had walked over to the closet to grab a set of sleepwear before leaving the room. Shouting that he would return shortly.

His actions caused her to giggle. He always was silly. It was just a part of his personality. While he went to bathe, Katsumi had walked to the closet and pulled out another futon for him. Laying it out next to hers, and prepared the blankets.

By the time she was finished, Kyojuro was not back yet, so she decided to continue reading her book. She got a few pages in before the door slid open, revealing a wet-haired Kyojuro in his sleepwear.

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