Chapter 6

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Business at the bookstore was booming now that Phi and I had opened for Ruby so I guess it pays to know the right people. Phi and I barely had time to take a pee break before the bell would ding. Before long though, the clock hit twelve and we were finally able to turn the shade down for lunch.

Walking into the little break room, I flopped down onto my usual chair. Taking a breath, I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and checked through my messages. One from my mom, another from Ricky, and one from...Ruby? 

Curiosity getting the better of me, I clicked on it. 'Go for tea later?' 

Smiling while biting my lip, I typed out a reply. 'Can't. I'll be working late tonight but you're more than welcome to stop by the bookstore!' 

Opening mom's text, she was just reminding me that I'm supposed to help out with vacation bible school in a few weeks. Can anyone remind me why I agreed to that again?

Lastly, I opened Ricky's text. 'Good morning babe, video call later?' 

'Hey, Rain check on that call? Working late tonight.'

Sighing, I put my phone down before getting up. Opening the fridge, I grabbed last nights leftovers and took them to the microwave. Without looking up, I heard Phi's footsteps enter the room and she was giggling causing me to smirk because I knew she was talking to Chris. "So how's your mans?" 

She looked up from her phone with a shy smile on her lips and blushing cheeks. "He's not my mans." 

"Phi," She looks up. "You've been in this room for two minutes, haven't said a word. You've been attached to your phone with a huge ass grin on your face. Now judging by how wide that grin is, I'd say you guys are more than just friends." 

"Ugh I hate how well you know me," I smiled triumphantly. "But I know that smile, Sawyer and it's not what you think. We're getting along well, He had fun the other night, and we're just seeing where things take us." Phi said, blushing but smiling big. It was infectious because I smiled with her. 

"That's awesome babe! I'm happy for you guys. Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Because I know how nosy you can be." I rolled my eyes at her but smiled nonetheless.

"What about you and your boy?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. I grabbed the counter and pursed my lips to keep the smile from growing. It was my turn to blush when she mentioned my boyfriends name. "Um.." She looked at me with a raised eyebrow while I just looked down at my shoes before I heard her gasp. "You did it, didn't you!" 

I looked up at her, confused. "What?" 

"You know..." Phi suggested with her eyebrows and signature naughty smirk.

"No! I mean we almost did it..."

"Well look at you. Who knew you had it in you?" Phi's words made me giggle but roll my eyes. "Wait, almost?"

"First of all, you're a pervert!, second of all, I stopped him because something felt off and I couldn't go through with it. Third of all, he did ask me to be his girlfriend and I said yes." Her eyes went wide again and she ran over and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her in return. 

"That's great Sawyer. I'm so happy for you!" 

"Thanks, he asked me after we left the club the other night," She nodded and sat down.

"Okay well, if you ever bring him home, warn me ahead of time so I can stay far far away." She snorted and blushed. 

"Deal but same goes for you!" I laughed and shook her hand but doubt weighed heavily in my stomach at the thought of ever bringing Ricky into my bed. 

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