Chapter 30

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What felt like only a few minutes later, I was being shaken awake by an excited, tiny voice. I groaned and opened one eye to see my nephew standing over me with his hands on my arm trying to get me up but I was feeling nauseous all of a sudden so I reacted quickly and picked him up. "Hi buddy. What is so important that you had to shake your exhausted aunt awake?"

"Vacation bible school is in two hours! Grandma wanted me to come in here and wake you up so you weren't late." I couldn't help but groan a little but sat up anyway. 

"Alright H-man, I'm up. Go back upstairs while I get dressed. I'll be up in a bit."

"Promise?" I smiled a tired smile before offering my pinky.

"I promise." He shook it vigorously before I helped him down and he ran out of the room causing me to giggle before getting up and heading over to my suitcase to grab a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt. I left my hair down and put a little wave into it before tying my Ruby's red flannel around my waist.

Once I was dressed, I went upstairs and heard chatter and Ruby's beautiful laugh and once my mother saw me, she smiled and for the first time in years, the smile actually reached her eyes. I noticed that my sister and her son were enjoying a plate of pancakes and an image of Ruby under my tongue, moaning and begging at my mercy popped into my brain and I had to purse my lips to hold back a moan. Instead, I walked forward and wrapped my arms around Ruby's neck and kissed her cheek feeling her smile. "Hey sleepyhead." 

"Hey you, what time did you get up?" I let go of her to grab a piece of fruit from the bowl and sit down next to my girl and nephew who was happily chewing on a piece of chocolate pancake as I ruffled his hair before turning my attention to everyone else.

"Not long after you came back to bed." She said as she smirked and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Sneaky, I am not apparently." I said as I peeled my banana and took a bite. 

"I'm afraid not babe, it's okay though because I didn't fall for your footing." I couldn't help the blush that I felt grace my cheeks. "How's the baby?" 

"Yeah, how is my little cousin?" Ruby tentatively put a hand over my stomach as I looked down with a smile on my face. "Baby's fine. Morning sickness finally stopped which is phenomenal." I said as I took another bite of the delicious fruit.

"You're pregnant, Sawyer?" My sister asked incredulously. I raised an eyebrow as if it were obvious but then I realized that she wasn't there when I ended up telling mom.

"Yup now it's your turn to be an aunt." I said, starting to laugh at her facial expression.

"But how? I thought you were gay?"

"I am gay but how I got pregnant my dear sister is a long story for another time."

"Ah come on Aunt Sawyer, I wanna hear about it!" Harrison exclaimed but I just shook my head.

"I promise that I will tell you soon enough but for now, can you finish your breakfast so we can get going to Vacation Bible School that you're so hype about?"

"I don't like it but I respect it. Only because I love you." He said reaching up to kiss my cheek. I giggled as I saw Ruby smile at me so I threw a wink her way. 

"Oh honey, is that all you're having for breakfast? Wouldn't you want some pancakes? Wouldn't want my my daughter and grandchild going hungry." That image of Ruby in my head flashed across the forefront of my thoughts again and I had to bite my lip to keep from giggling. 

"No mom, I think I'm okay but I will take a bowl of cereal though." I said trying to keep my face as neutral as possible but my mom narrowed her eyes at me as she had every right to. Deciding not to question it, she got up and got my meal request as I turned my look to Ruby who furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as I raised my eyebrow with a smirk and she soon realized what I was talking about and blushed as pink as a starburst. 

Creatures Of Habit(A Ruby Rose Fan-fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora