chapter 12

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The silence was tense as Ricky drove to the studio, his hands gripped the wheel so much that his knuckles were turning white. Deciding that I needed to break through whatever barrier he'd built around himself, I sighed and put a hand on his thigh. "Ask me anything you want, I'll be as honest as I can." 

"When did you guys meet?" Alright, starting out easy...

"In middle school. My mom had just received a job offer and moved us to Australia."

"When did you guys start dating?" Ricky said peering at me from his peripheral before looking back at the road. 

"About a year or two after we became friends, we connected really well and just became close before things started happening." 

"When did things end?" 

"About a year after graduation, we grew apart and decided to go our separate ways." 

"Do you still have feelings for her?" 

I froze before looking at him. "What?"

"Do you still like her?" 

"Ricky you don't have anything to worry about. I'd never cheat on you." 

"Well I'm glad to hear that but you didn't answer my question Sawyer." 

"I can't answer your question because I don't know myself." I looked down at my lap before looking back at him to see a deadpanned look. "Don't look at me like that, I said I'd be as honest as I could. I didn't say I'd give you all the answers." 

He rolled his eyes but nodded before parking his car in front of the studio. He turned his car off but didn't say anything but there really wasn't much to say. "Hey," I grabbed his hand. "I'm not sure if I'm completely straight but just because she's my past doesn't mean she's going to suddenly be my present. I like you, a lot okay? You have nothing to worry about." Squeezing his hand one last time, I let it go before opening the door and heading inside. 

Blowing out a breath from the heavy atmosphere, the smells of the studio wrapped around me like a hug causing a grin to spread on my face because no matter what's going on in my life, I can come here to forget. Even if it's just for a little while.

 "Sawyer, how's my favorite student?" My instructor asked once she noticed that I'd walked in the door. "We missed you last week."

"Yeah I know, I'm sorry. Some jerk gave me a concussion and I had to take a break from all physical activities for a while."

"Well I'm sorry to hear that but you're here now so that's all that counts. Don't worry, we're not doing much today." She said, winking at me making a smile spread to my lips before I pulled my phone out to warm up.


"Alright everyone, that ends this weeks class. Great job to all of you!" We all clapped as I was about to turn away before she addressed me. "Oh and Sawyer, good to have you back, class isn't the same without you." 

It was my turn to throw a wink her way as I grabbed my bag before headed towards the door. The breeze hitting my face when opening the door, was always a very freeing type feeling as I breathed in and exhaled a sigh. Coming down from my adrenaline high, I noticed Ricky was standing against the passenger side door, holding a drink cup from my favorite shake place. Smiling, I went over to him and took the cup from his out-stretched hand before giving him a one armed hug. "Thank you, and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner about me and Ruby."

"It's okay, I've had some time to think and you're right, just because she's your past doesn't mean she'll suddenly be your present."

"Exactly and besides, I'm perfectly happy with you right now. Especially when you bring me a drink from my favorite place." I said, leaning in to kiss his cheek. 

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