Chapter 8

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 "You ready, Phi?" I asked, looking at her. She blew out a breath, closing her eyes before opening them with the look of determination. Nodding her head, she swirled the drum sticks in her hands. "That's my girl," 

Turning around, the curtain being the only thing separating us from the crowds. "Alright, let's do this." I whispered to myself before turning the mic on. "How we doing out there tonight?" The curtain was raised as I got a bunch of cheers in response. "Welcome to the second Creatures of Habit show. Shout out to the lovely Ruby Rose for making that happen!" I said, applauding her. She blushed before bowing from her spot in the crowd. "Also with us tonight, are the lovely and ever so handsome guys from one of our favorite bands, Motionless in White, lets give them a shout out as well!" 

"Now you guys ready to hear some music?" I yelled into the mic, getting some cheers and screams back. Hitting the synthesizer on my laptop, I licked my lips before starting the guitar parts. Slipping into confident Sawyer, the people watching slipped away and it was just me, my guitar and Phi. "Spiraling inside my own disguise, this is my design. But we're not here together, Mirror, Mirror tell me who you see? Am I you or me? I can never remember, but you can't hide forever!" I sang, looking at the guys to see looks of astonishment and excitement etched onto their faces, I continued singing with everything I had like I always did. When the song neared the bridge, I stepped off stage and grabbed Chris' hand before leading him back to the stage. Handing him the mic, he understood. 

"Sick of wearing the mask, sick of hiding my face, sick of every motherfucker that is in my way. Sick of digging for answers while you bury the truth, fuck your method to my sadness, I will bury you!" I could see the same look of passion on his face as I felt on my own when I was on stage. I couldn't keep the smile from forming on my lips as he gave me the mic back before heading back to the crowds. 

"Alright!" I said, feeling excited the crowds screamed in response. "Give it up for the fucking awesome Chris Motionless!" The crowds cheered while Phi banged on her drums. Smiling, I felt euphoric in the blinding lights and sounds of the music flowing through me. Knowing that this was where I was supposed to be, I went into Paranoid by Iprevail.


"Thank you everyone! You guys have been the best crowd, I'm so happy that Creatures of Habit is approved," I said, getting some laughs. Just then, I saw a young girl being shoved aside before Queen bee shoved herself in front. Internally rolling my eyes, I made eye contact with the girl she shoved and I gave her a smile. "Now, this unfortunately will be our last song of the night but Phi and myself will be around signing autographs if anyone wants to come say hi!" I said into the mic. "This lovely lady is my best friend Phi and I'm Sawyer. Together, we are Creatures of habit. Thank you for coming out tonight!"

"Even in these chains, you can't stop me, even in these chains you can't stop me, even in these chains, you can't stop me!
Once upon a time
There was a nasty, little piggy filled with pride and greed
Once upon a time
There was an evil, little piggy typical disease
You see this little pig is slowly becoming my own worst enemy.
You see this evil pig she's a blood, blood, blood sucking part of me" Going into the crowds, I touched hands with people in the front row, until I came to the pretty girl that Queen Bee shoved. Reaching my hand out, I sang the next verse to the crowd while I felt her squeeze my hand for dear life.

 "You see I am the wolf,
And this dirty, little piggy lives inside of me.
You see every now and then,
I forget which one that I want and which one that I need.
I have come to realize
That both of them have become a necessity
I now have come to realize
That I become which animal I choose to feed!"

Creatures Of Habit(A Ruby Rose Fan-fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora