Chapter 9

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"Are you hurt, Sawyer?" Ruby asked, leading me inside.

"I already told you, I'm fine." Proving her point, I tripped over the steps causing her hold on my waist to tighten and I cursed a million profanities in my head that I was in need of her help right now.

"Then why are you staggering so much, babe?" She whispered in my ear because pre-recorded music was blasting through the clubs speakers, but I didn't answer mainly because I knew she was right. Refusing to acknowledge the inevitable truth, I looked ahead to see Phi and Chris were still sitting in their same spots, chatting until my best friend looked over at me and immediately got up.

"Hey, you okay?" 

"I'm fine, a guy outside just got a bit rough with me." 

"Did he...?"

"Rape me? No, I didn't let it get that far."

"I still think you should go to the hospital, Sawyer." Ruby said, speaking up.

"I still say I'm fine, besides I'm not letting you miss your set. You can't let your fans down."

Right when Ruby was about object, my best friend spoke up. "I'll take her," I looked over at her with a look of disagreement. She gave me her best deadpanned look. "Don't look at me, like that Sawyer. Ruby's right and you know it. You could have a concussion, if you won't go for yourself then go for me and for Ruby. Help ease our consciences to know that you'll be okay."

Ugh, she hit me with the best friend guilt speech. An rule between us was if under circumstance of hospitalization if you wouldn't go for yourself, you went for the other person. I sighed in defeat knowing that I wasn't going to win this battle. She turned around, kissing Chris for a quick second before grabbing her purse and wrapping an arm around me. "Don't worry Ruby, I'll take good care of her."

"If you need me, I'll have my phone on me. Text me when you find out something!" I nodded as Phi started walking us back outside, hoping the guy was passed out from his drunken stupor by now. Leading me to her car, she helped me get situated before going to her side. 

"Babe, seriously I'm fine." But all Phi did was give me a pointed look that meant we were done talking about this and I should shut up. "Text Ricky too. He'll be worried." Rolling my eyes, I pulled my phone out and texted my boyfriend before putting my phone back in my purse and laid my head against the headrest. 

This was going to be a long night.


Next thing I knew, Phi's putting an arm around my waist to keep me upright and stable as I felt the chilly September air hit my face. I groaned as she walked us towards the doors and the bright florescent lights hit me making me hide my face in Phi's neck.

"How can I help you guys this evening? Is she okay?" I heard the front desk person ask. I rolled my eyes before picking my head up and looked at a very beautiful receptionist. "I was attacked and my head was impacted the most. My friends think I could have a concussion so I'm here to check it out, I guess." 

"Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that. I will try to get you in as soon as possible, but in the mean time, I'll have you fill out these forms. Just bring them back whenever you're finished." All I could do was nod as Phi took my forms before guiding me to an open chair. I leaned my head on Phi's shoulder and kept my tears in as much as possible because the pain in my brain was getting unbearable. "Babe, what are your symptoms?" 

"Headache, dizziness, um I don't know what else."

"Well, are you bothered by those lights?" I nodded as she marked something down.

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