Chapter 18

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Switching guitars, I grabbed my acoustic and sat on the stool that someone had set in front of the microphone. "Let's start the fire so that I can feel the burn and let's take these remaining ashes because this meeting has been adjourned. I'm sorry that things had to end like this but you weren't the one that I was yearning for, there was nothing that we were doing wrong but sometimes things just don't work the way we want them to.

I guess there was a lesson here to be learned, nothing has to make sense to be one in the same and I'm sorry that things weren't in your favor but let's think positive and end them on a high note! You can no longer just bend me till I break I guess all I needed was time. Thanks for stopping by, I'm so glad you came, and even though it's all over now, I will never see us as a mistake!

I'm sorry that I'm a sinner and not a saint but I refuse to put my life through the ringer just to see you happy. I took off my rose colored glasses because it was time that I come down from my buzz and say I'm sorry that we didn't work out but sometimes we have to go through the pain to feel the pleasure. Let's start the fire so that we can feel the burn, there was nothing to save us from this flame if we ever had one, but if we're in agreement, I don't think there is anyone here to blame." I let my right hand drop before pulling away from the microphone and getting some cheers when I did. 

"Thank you guys." I said as the lights went dark and that was our cue to switch sets. Taking a deep breath, I moved off the stool and set the guitar back on its stand. Phi came around and grabbed my shoulders making me look her in the eyes. 

"You okay, babe?" She asked. My best friend wiped my cheeks as a few unshed tears escaped.

"Yeah, I think this is the okay-est that I've ever been." A picture of Ruby flashed in my brain causing me to remember. "Inviting Ruby was your big surprise? Why do you never tell me when you do these things?" 

Phi giggled. "Where's the fun in that? I wanted her to see the changes you've made since our last show. Hopefully, you will work things out with her." 

Rolling my eyes, I punched her shoulder and then wrapped my arms around her neck. "You really are the best friend that I could have ever had." 

"Yes I am now," She pulled back and wiped my face and fluffed my messy hair. "Go find your girl." 

"I will, if you go find your boy." I said, walking away after throwing a wink her way. I took off the flannel that I was wearing and tied it around my waist. I walked my way off the stage to find Ruby, getting stopped by a few fans along the way. After posing for a picture and signing an autograph, a very familiar perfume wafted into my airways before feeling a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and was met with the eyes that I always got lost in.  

"What, no boyfriend tonight?" Ruby said with a quirk of an eyebrow and a slight smirk. 

I shook my head. "Nope, no boyfriend, ever again actually. I might even think I'm gay."

"Well it's about time you thought. I had almost given up on you when Phi called me."

"Yeah she likes to surprise me a lot." I said nodding while stuffing my hands into the back pockets of my skinny jeans.

"Well I'm glad she did because I missed you. I knew it'd only be a matter of time before things unraveled."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh you knew did you?" 

Before either of us had another chance to say anything, Phi and Chris walk up to us hand in hand with big smiles on their faces the way it should be.

"Hey you two lovebirds!" I said turning towards them as my arm brushed Ruby's igniting sparks within me. Chris raised an eyebrow before looking at my best friend.

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