7. Strange Night

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Kevin and Adam come out of the back room of the police station with a duffel bag. Elliot and Amelia stand up, ready to leave. "What's in the bag?" Amelia asks curiously. Adam glances at her. "It's just some things to help with tonight. Don't worry about it right now."

Elliot slightly leans down and whispers to her. "It's probably weapons. The other men might not have any of their own." He smiles, leaning back up. Amelia grabs his hand. "Thank you Elliot." Adam interrupts by clearing his throat. "Anyway, I've already gone and talked to the other men in the village. We have certain guys that signed up a while back to be back up if I ever needed it."

Kevin starts walking to the door and chimes in. "I also went with him to gather the men today. So we won't waste any time with introductions or anything."

Adam holds the door open, "Alright, let's go." When Amelia and Elliot reach the door Adam puts his hand out in front of them. "And are you sure you don't want to stay at Trevor's tonight?" Amelia shakes her head and pushes his hand down gently. "No, I told you I'm doing this Adam, Besides... he's after me anyway."

"Okay, I just thought I'd ask one more time. Because once we leave, you can't turn back. As much as I hate to put it this way... you are good bate for this situation." Adam says as they walk passed him. Amelia leans a little closer to Elliot. "I know Adam. It's alright. I'm not five years old anymore. I know I need to be the bate.."

Elliot chimes in, "Let's just stop referring to it as The bate though..." Adam locks the doors to the station and catches up with them. "That's a great idea. Also Amelia, I remember the day you were born. You will always be a little girl to me." She glances back at him with a playful smile for a second. "Well that's because you're just getting old."

Adam playfully points at her and gives her a look. "Hey, watch it." Amelia laughs and glances up at the sky. "It's going to be super dark out tonight.. I remember our teacher telling us about the Crescent moon. It's supposed to be one of the darkest nights in the cycle."

Kevin chimes in from in front of them all. "That'll be an advantage and a disadvantage. I never really paid attention to school. The career I wanted didn't require me to very much." In her head Amelia thought, "What career was that? Being creepy?" She kept her thought to herself though.

Elliot whispered to her again. "Dad was in the military." Her eyes narrow for a second and she gives him a fake smile. "Oh that's cool. I can see that, because he's a cop."

The rest of the walk was quiet. When they arrived Elliot and Amelia walked in first. Adam and Kevin closed and locked the door behind them. Adam walks over to the kitchen table, setting the bag down.

Amelia walks over to them at the table and smiles. "Would you like me to make you some coffee since it's going to be a long night?" Adam hesitates for a second before answering. "Yes, that'd be nice thank you Amelia."

Amelia starts preparing the coffee as they open the bag. Kevin and Adam both pull a gun out and start prepping them. "Hopefully we won't need these tonight, but there's no harm in being ready." Adam says, while loading some bullets into his gun.

"We will probably go check in on a couple of the men that were a little hesitant after the first group gets here." Kevin chimes in. Elliot lights the fireplace and sits on the couch. Amelia walks over and closes the curtain on the window and sits with Elliot.

The next few moments are quiet, until Kevin walks over to them with one of the guns. He hands it to Elliot and he checks to make sure the safety is on. Elliot can see the worried look on my face. "It's alright Amelia. My dad showed me how to use it. It's just a little one."

She nods and glances at the clock. Before she can ask, Adam answers her question. "The men should be here soon. Kevin you should probably stay here. That way the men have at least one trained man here to direct them."

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