4. Elliot

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It felt like only five minutes had gone by when Adam woke Amelia up. "Amelia? Hey, it's noon, wake up."

She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes as they adjusted to the light. "Really? It didn't feel like I was asleep that long. Thank you for letting me sleep here for a few hours Adam....I needed it."

Adam nods and sits on the side of the bed. "Amelia I thought a bit about what you said this morning. Kevin and me talked about it and we are going to patrol around your house specifically for a couple of days to see if we find anything. We will be coming around here and there so don't be spooked if you see us."

Amelia took a deep breath of relief. "Thank you, I'm not sure if I can handle that again." Adam gives her a comforting smile, "Well we need to catch this lunatic, he's caused enough trouble. It seems like he is choosing to come out only at night time. Also, it's probably better if you don't tell your mother yet. There's no reason to make her worry if we are both going to be outside."

She nods and glances down. "So..do you want me to just continue my day like normal? Are you going to sleep?" Adam stands up as he replies, "Yes, during the day we will take turns napping back here. Don't worry." Before Amelia can answer she hears a familiar voice coming from outside of the room.

She stood up slowly to peek out of the door. It's Elliot, her heart flutters. "Elliot? Hey, what are you doing here?" He glances over at her and smiles. She can also see relief spread across his face. "Amelia, I was dropping off some food for my dad. What are you doing here? I'm glad you are because I was a little worried when you hadn't showed up yet."

Amelia closes her eyes for a moment when she realizes she forgot about their date. "I'm so sorry, I was asleep back there... I may have just now gotten up. I um.." Amelia glances at Adam for a second, not knowing what she can say about the situation.

Adam chimes in as he walks over to his desk. "It's ok Amelia, you can talk to Elliot about it. His dad does work for me so he'll probably hear about it later anyway."

Elliot looks at her confused for a moment. "What happened?" He asks with slight concern in his voice. "I'm ok, I just didn't have a good night. I'll tell you while we're walking. Adam, is it ok for me to.." Adam nods and sips his coffee. "Of course, be as normal as you can Amelia."

She takes a deep breath and Elliot gently grabs her hand. Amelia can feel herself blush as they're walking out of the station. "So last night I saw the stranger again... except...it was a little different and he kind of took it to the next level and it really frightened me.."

Amelia tells him the rest of the story for a few minutes and his eyebrows furrow. "I'm so sorry that happened.. Are you ok? I mean, I've been hearing bits and pieces when I've gone to the station to see my dad but I didn't know how serious it was."

She grips his hand a little, "Well, for almost a week there wasn't any activity at all so we thought he was gone. What makes it worse is that none of us have a clue who it could be. The only thing that makes sense is that it's a complete stranger that we've never seen before. That's why I've been calling him the stranger."

"That sounds awful.., it sounds like it's only happening around your house though." He replies back. She stops waling for a second and glances up at him. "Why do you say that?" He slightly shrugs, "Well, my dad has been working this whole time so I've been at home by myself and I haven't experienced anything. Wouldn't I be an easier target being alone?"

Amelia's eyes widen, "Oh my gosh....you're right... but why would somebody be targeting me or my family? We never really do anything to anyone so....I just don't understand." Elliot gently pulls her into a soft hug. "It's okay, I'm sure that Adam and my dad are going to catch whoever it is. And I'm here for you whenever you need me. I really like you Amelia."

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