25. A Father And His Son

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Elliot and Amelia agree to get the box after his next patrol. The next morning when they leave the house they see a group of people talking to Kevin. He's giving another speech. "The stranger is gone. It is confirmed that this is Sam's doing."

They exchange a look and listen. "I am lifting the curfew from here on out. Stay alert and keep your children close. I assure you that this monster won't hurt anyone else before he's found." Amelia glances around the crowd of angry people and sees a woman crying.

She leans close to Elliot and whispers. "That's Greg's wife... what happened?" He shakes his head.  "Something must have happened to Greg...." Kevin speaks up again. "And if anyone knows where Samuel is hiding come forward now. If you here or see anything please report it right away to me. We will get justice for Greg. A man who was taken from us too early by a psycho maniac that our beloved sheriff was deceived by."

Amelia's eyes widen and she whispers to Elliot. "Greg is dead?.... This must have happened last night.." Elliot nods and whispers back to her. "He's acting like he's completely blameless..."

Amelia grabs his hand and walks away from the crowd. They head towards Trevor's house. When they walk in they see Irene first. Amelia notices her eyes are red like she had been crying. "Mom, what happened this morning?"

Irene shakes her head. "Greg is dead.... it happened last night. His wife found him in his shop. Apparently, it looked like there was a struggle. She went to check on him because he hadn't come home when he said he would..."

Amelia speaks in a sad tone. "That's terrible...." Elliot chimes in. "Yeah and what's worse is we know that Sam was at home the entire time...." She balls up her fists. "Why would he do that? We know it was Kevin.. who else could it be. But why?...."

Elliot shakes his head. "I don't know... it sounds like he was just...wanting to.." Amelia speaks up again. "And now we can't get that box until tonight... Everyone is going to be watching out for anything."

"You two need to be more careful now than ever. It sounds like he's getting worse. Please, don't be reckless." Irene expresses with a worried look. Amelia nods. "I know mom. We'll be okay. I'll let you get back to work... I just wanted to know what happened. Kevin is in front of the station blaming Sam for it. We need to try to talk to Adam to see if he has heard Kevin say anything about his next move."

They say goodbye and go back to the station. When they get down there, everyone is gone. Kevin blocks the front door and Amelia gives him an agitated look. "The station is off limits. No one is to go talk to Adam. He could be accessory to murder. Whatever it is that you're needing you can tell me." Kevin says.

Her eyebrows furrow. "What? That's not fair. He's not allowed to talk to anyone either? He's in a cell.... he can't do anything. I wanted to check on him, that's not a crime." Kevin cuts her off. "Well, I say he can't see anyone. Including you two. Elliot, control your girlfriend. She's looking suspicious wanting to talk to a criminal."

He gives him an irritated look. "Adam isn't a criminal. He's the sheriff. I'm sorry but....that badge doesn't make you a real sheriff... And I think you're taking this all too far... Come on Amelia." He grabs her hand and they start walking away.

Kevin crosses his arms and speaks up again. "Well I am the sheriff now and if she continues to defy me and continues to act like she's hiding something than I will arrest her. Then she could see Adam all she wants."

Elliot glances back at him with an angry look. "Don't threaten Amelia. We just wanted to check on him to see how he's doing because you're acting insane and locked him in a cell for things that he didn't even do."

They spend the day trying to pass the time, anxiously awaiting the night. Once the village quiets down a little they go home and get ready. As soon as they see Kevin leaving the station, and he gets to the edge of the woods, they follow him from afar.

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