20. Execution

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The stranger burst into Kevin's house and sees Kevin in the living room about to leave. He glances over at him with an annoyed look. "What do you think you're doing? What happened to you?"

The stranger is breathing heavy. "It's that brat of yours and his little girlfriend. I told you they were trouble." He goes on to tell him what happened. Kevin hides his anger about him disobeying.

"I see, it's time to move on to the next stage of the plan. I need the villagers to trust me and not Adam. And your punishment is to be a good little puppet for the show." Kevin says with a straight face.

The stranger laughs. "Finally, the fun begins. What's the plan?" Kevin replies with an emotionless look. "You'll see." He puts handcuffs on the stranger. "First, I'm going to go to the station and take first patrol. Stay here and I'll grab you on the way."

He gives him a crazed smile and waits as Kevin leaves. Kevin makes his way up to the station and puts on a fake smile. When he walks in he sees Adam, who looks like he hasn't hardly slept. "Good morning Sheriff."

Adam glances up at him and rubs his eyes. "Good morning." Kevin thinks for a second and speaks again. "Why don't you let me take first patrol and you lay your head down for a second. You're looking rough."

He hesitates for a moment. "Yeah, I guess that'd be okay. But wake me up as soon as you get back. " Adam replies. Kevin smiles. "You got it. I'll be back." He leaves and Adam lays his head down on his desk. When Kevin gets back to his house he grabs the stranger's wrists and drags him towards the door.

They hear the school bell ring and Kevin smiles. "Good, the children are in class now. It's time. Oh, before I forget." Kevin stops and runs down the hall for a moment. He comes back with a small stack of stuff. "Let's go."

He walks the stranger over to the shopping area, out of sight of the station and Trevor's. "Excuse me, can I please have everyone's attention please." He says with his voice slightly raised. Everyone stops what they're doing and glances over at him.

Kevin clears his throat and throws the stranger down on the ground and presses his foot against his chest so he can't move. "I have caught the man that has tortured your home. He has killed your men, attacked your children and tried to kill my son and Amelia last night. I will face the consequences of my actions later. Your sheriff is tired and plays by the book. I can't stand and watch this criminal get away again after what he's done. Justice will be served right here today."

The stranger pretends to struggle like he's trying to get away. Kevin kicks him. "You're not escaping the law this time scum."

He takes a breath and continues. "If you don't want to see this I suggest you look away. I'm going to do what Adam won't and bring peace back to your home." A couple of women look away. Everyone else watches with eyes wide with anticipation.

The stranger opens his mouth like he's going to protest. Kevin kneels down to him and cuts his throat before he can speak. The stranger's eyes widen in confusion and anger as he dies slowly. Kevin stands back up and glances around.

He speaks again. "If I were your sheriff I can do these things for you and keep you safe. Unfortunately this nightmare isn't over. There's another menace that is running through the woods surrounding your home. I've been chasing this man and he decided to run home for protection."

Kevin pulls out the stack of papers and photos. He holds up a picture of Samuel's mug shot. "This is the man that Adam is trying to hide from everyone. He is a criminal. He killed people in France and escaped from prison. I will find him and get the justice that you all deserve."

He hears gasps and whispers among the crowd. Dan steps forward to look closer. "Is that Samuel? I thought he was dead... I can't believe this.., he killed someone?" A couple of other people step forward to look.

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