26. Flashback Part 1

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The flashback of Samuel's life begins when they were still young men. Sam, Daniel, Adam, and Trevor are all gathered in Trevor's old room from when he growing up into a man.

Daniel was the first to speak. "I asked Irene to marry me. She said yes, and we have a house picked out already." Sam leans back in his chair with his arms crossed. "That's great, I'm happy for you two. I was thinking of joining the war."

Adam was the next to speak. "I'm surprised that you want to leave Sam. You've never mentioned anything about wanting to leave before." Sam smiles, tilting his head for a second. "I don't know, it just seems like it would be exciting. I like helping people too so it seems kind of perfect."

"I never thought about joining the war. I guess it's because we never hear about anything outside of the village. I might talk to Irene about that. Hey, we could even go together Sam. We could come back home as heroes." Daniel says.

Trevor chimes in as well. "At least you all get to choose what you want to do. Everybody in my family has always just been doctors for the village." Adam chimes in after. "That's not too bad Trevor. You'll make a lot of money and you like helping people. Every man in my family has always been a sheriff or an officer."

Sam chuckles. "Adam, you're going to be a police officer? You had asthma so bad when we were kids, aren't you afraid of that coming back while you're on duty?" Adam shrugs. "It hasn't been too bad once we were teenagers. Besides, nothing ever happens here anyways."

Daniel cuts into the conversation. "Well if everyone else is going to do something that involves helping people then I'm defiantly joining the military with Sam." Sam lets out a chuckle again. "If you join the military and go into war, I'll have to protect you Danny. I can't take the chance of losing my little brother."

Adam chimes in. "You two are fully like brothers. I think we all kind of feel that way. But you and Daniel are the closest out of all of us." Sam smiles. "That's because our parents were best friends too. I'd take a bullet for any of you."

Daniel smiles and cuts into the conversation. "Have more faith in me Sam. I won't be taken down that easily. Besides, it might be me protecting you Sam. You never know." Adam speaks up before Sam can reply. "Are you kidding Daniel? Sam is the strongest one out of all of us."

Trevor speaks next. "Yeah, I know I'd be afraid if I saw a big guy like Sam running at me. And him having a gun on top of that." They all laugh together as the memory fades out and in to another one.

The next memory begins with Sam at Daniel's house on a cold night. Irene comes into the room with a smile. "Go ahead and tell him sweetheart. I told you Sam can be the first one to know." Daniel smiles and glances up at him.

Sam leans forward in his chair and gives him a slightly confused and playful look. "What are you hiding from me Danny? I could see it all over your face for a while now that you've been holding something in."

Daniel gives him an excited look. "Yes, but you're still the first one to know. Irene hasn't even told anyone." He hesitates for a moment and smiles. "Irene is pregnant." Sam's eyes widen. "Hey that's wonderful. I'm happy for you, congratulations you two. What do you think it'll be?"

"It's going to be a girl. Her name is going to be Amelia." Daniel replies joyfully. Sam chimes in playfully. "Well I'm happy for you both. And if it does turn out to be a girl she'll be beautiful, as long as she looks like Irene anyways."

Sam laughs as Daniel nudges him. "Haha very funny, and very true though. And I know it'll be a girl." Irene shakes her head. "Oh goodness, she'll be beautiful either way. And if it turns out to be a boy we will love him just as much."

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