28. The Final

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Kevin stays quiet for another moment before chuckling. He starts shaking his head. "No....no, this is going to end the way I want it to this time." The voice echoes in his mind. "Kill him!" Sam charges at him and swings a punch, hitting him in the face.

He stumbles back a little and his expression is rage. Kevin punches him in the stomach and elbows him in the nose. He raises up his gun and shoots Sam, hitting his foot. Sam grunts in pain and tackles him to the ground, knocking the gun out of his hand.

Elliot glances up at them, breathing heavy and is frozen. He thinks to himself. "What do I do?... He's....not my dad...my whole life has been a lie...I need.....to help him..." Kevin kicks him back and staggers to stand back up.

He gives Sam an enraged look. "You won't save anybody just like last time Sam, and they won't get in my way this time either." He pulls out a small glass flask of alcohol and throws it at the station, breaking it. He pulls some matches out of his pocket and quickly lights one. Sam's eyes widen and he rushes towards him.

Kevin grins as he throws it at the front doors of the station. The alcohol soaked wood starts to catch on fire as Sam tackles him down again. "No! Not again.." Sam cries out. The fire quickly starts spreading around the station.

Elliot's eyes widen and he rushes over to try and stop it. Sam pins Kevin down and starts punching him repeatedly. Kevin gets a hand free and pulls the small knife out of his pocket. He stabs it into Sam's arm and pushes him off.

Amelia rushes over to the cell, to Adam. "There has to be some way to get out of here. You have to have an extra key or....or something. Where are the weapons?" Adam gives her a stern look and grabs her hand through the bars. "Amelia! Stop, you need to try to break the glass and get out of here. I told your mom that I would keep you safe. And there are no weapons... Kevin locked them all away somewhere at his house when he took over."

She starts shaking her head, breathing heavy as he continues. "I can't do anything from in here, you need to leave me. Don't worry about me." Tears start rolling down her cheeks. "No, I'm not going to leave you here Adam....I won't. There has to be another way."

He keeps his composure as he speaks. "Amelia, the fire is spreading fast. Listen to me, the station will start filling with smoke soon. You need to try to find something to break the window and leave."

She hesitates for a second. "I...I can't.... I can't leave you Adam....if you die.." He cuts her off. "Hey, stop...you don't know what will happen. I'll try too, but you need to get out. Elliot is trying to figure out how to stop the fire or get in here but we both know there's nothing outside that can break the glass. He's going to get burned...go.."

Amelia closes her eyes for a second and cries quietly. She starts looking around for something. "The chair?" She grabs Adam's chair from his desk and tries to hit the glass with it. "Adam, it didn't work. This is the heaviest thing in here.."

Adam thinks for a moment. "Amelia, you're smaller... you will have to find something smaller and use more force." She nods and starts looking for something to use. Elliot glances back at Sam and Kevin fighting.

They are both bloody and beaten, breathing hard. Elliot gets closer to Kevin and glances at Sam. He gives Sam a quick look, and Sam nods. Elliot steps in front of Kevin. "Dad please, give me the keys... don't do this...let me save them."

Kevin furrows his eyebrows. "No....she will get in my way...just like him.." Elliot glances down at his belt and back up at him. He tries to quickly grab the keys and Kevin grabs his wrist tightly. He looks directly into his eyes. "I said no, what are you doing Elliot? You're acting like....like him... no...no no..."

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