21. Elliana

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They all go into the living room and Irene speaks first. "Amelia..., now that the stranger is dead I want you to stay here. It's not safe... I think. I'm so conflicted. I grew up with Sam.. I just don't understand. And I can't see Adam hiding a criminal."

Amelia takes a deep breath and glances into her eyes. "Mom, we already know about Sam. This is going to be a lot to hear but I need you to listen to me." Her mom shakes her head and interrupts her with a stern look. "I don't care how old you are Amelia, you'll do what I tell you to do."

She nods slightly and continues. "I understand mom. All I'm asking is for you to hear me out. To hear us all out. It's not just Adam who knew about Sam being here. It was me, Elliot, Adam, Kevin, the stranger and at the end even Trevor. I asked him to keep it a secret. He only knew for like a day or two.

Her mom gives her a slightly confused and concerned look and puts a hand up to stop her. "Wait a minute. I'm confused, why didn't you tell me? Have you all been talking to him personally?" Amelia gives her a guilty look. "Yes, we have. We didn't know how you would react to certain things and.... he said he couldn't face you yet. I promise I was going to tell you though."

Irene rubs her face. "Why wouldn't he be able to face me unless he did something bad Amelia?" Amelia nods and continues. "I know you have questions.. I will answer them all to the best of my ability."

"And I take it that Elliot knew just as long as you have?" Irene replies. Elliot speaks up to answer. "Yes ma'am, and the same for Adam.." Irene nods and closes her eyes for a second, taking it all in.

Amelia continues. "Sam was arrested in France. That part is true but he didn't do it. He was accused. He broke out when he got the chance to because of dad's last request to him before he passed.."

Her mom's eyes widen a little as she listens. "Mom, dad wasn't killed in the war. He was murdered. He couldn't face you because he feels like he failed to protect dad. He's been hiding in the woods trying to keep us safe from the shadows. Kevin lied, he had to hide because Kevin had the mug shot photo."

Irene cups her hand over her mouth and starts silently tearing up. "He... was murdered..?" Amelia nods. "Yes, and that's what he was accused of. He's told us a few times not to trust Kevin and that he's a good liar. I'm thinking that he really did it. Sam said Kevin was in the war with them. Dad's last request was for him to protect us..."

Her mom glances at Elliot. "What do you think about that Elliot? I mean, he is your dad. I know it's hard to think about and I'm sorry for that. Do you think he's capable of doing all of this?"

Elliot hesitates to answer for a moment. "I.... I wish that I could say no but... there's so much leading to that being the case. We caught him one day....talking to the stranger in his office at the house. It sounded like he was scolding him. Amelia has also been attacked by a third man too and as far as we know it's just Sam and the stranger that were in the woods. That third man also got attacked and my dad had a mark on him in the same spot as he would. I've never seen him act the way he has here... we also believe he's the one who broke in when we stayed at Adam's house and threatened Amelia. I'm just as confused as you are ma'am."

Irene gives them a more concerned look than before. "Thank you for telling me all of that Elliot. I know why you did keep things from me.. but I wish you hadn't." Amelia nods, still looking guilty. "I know, but if I did tell you everything you would have forced me to stay here. I wasn't going to put everyone at risk doing that."

Amelia sighs and continues. "I know this is a lot but we have physically witnessed Sam protecting us. He's fought the stranger to save us. He even told us about Kevin having something against him that was making it to where he couldn't just end it. Kevin threatened him with mine and Elliot's lives."

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