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'and all the people say, you can't wake up, this is not a dream'

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WANDA LEHNSHERR MAXIMOFF knew better than to try her father.

She knew that. It was something that stuck in her head.

And she never disobeyed nor tried him, even though her mutation was stronger than his.

It didn't matter. He controlled all metal.

So did Lorna.


At least she didn't have only speed as her powers such as Peter and Pietro.

But Chaos Magic didn't seem something she should be grateful for, as she didn't understand it even with her father and family helping.

Erik-father, has always told her that her mother was just like her, and how she could help her.

But she didn't understand; where was her mother?

Could she not take care of her children?

Did she not want her children?

She knew that Lorna wasn't her full sister; and that she had more than two brothers and one sister, but couldn't her mother take care of them?

Her father had only told her that she had decided to run.

Run far away; away from her father, Pietro, Peter, Lorna, and her.

She didn't understand it; why would her mother run away?

Did her mother not care about her that much? About her own blood?

The Scarlet Witch sighs, pressing her hand lightly to her aching head.

This subject was physically hurting her.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck-" She murmurs, gripping the edges of her dress as she runs down the stairs, trying to get towards the medical center.

She could feel blood starting to rush down her nose, and she presses a finger under her nose, feeling the warm blood that hits her finger.

It was a lot.

She keeps running, holding a finger to her nose, before she feels her headache get worse.

"ENOUGH!" She yells, her eyes turning red as her scarlet magic hitting everything around her as she falls to the ground.

The blood disappears, as well as the headache.

But the tears don't.

They don't leave her green eyes, as she presses one of her fingers to her eyes, swiping away the tears.

But more come down.

"Wake up!" A voice in her head yells. "Wake up! Open your eyes! This isn't real!"

"Then show me what is real." She whispers back softly. "Please, what is this if not real? Please. What is this? Who am I?"

She closes her eyes, and images run through her mind, and she opens her eyes slowly, feeling the memories under her skin.

"Do you understand?" The voice asks. "You aren't safe anywhere. You're not a human being; you're a machine."

Wanda presses her lips together, trying to hold in a sob.

"So what do I do, then?" She chokes out. "Where am I safe?"

The voice is quiet for a few moments, seeming to think about what to say. "Not in here. I shall tell you when you are safe."

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