chapter two

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'"no, no, no, don't you choke"daddy chimed in, "go for the throat" for the throat, for, for the throat'


Of course she did, her father had been lying to her the day she had-

She swallows.

The day she had written herself out of her reality.

She had to accept it.

She let them all down.

She was such a fucking burden to the people here; Stephen Strange especially.

Loki didn't even talk to her, except to call her degrading things.

She was a, 'disgusting mutant' and a, 'witch who should've been burned at the Salem Witch trials'.

They didn't even hurt her anymore, she had heard them hundreds of times even though she had only been there for three days.

Three days away from Father.

Three days away from Peter.

Three days away from Pietro.

Three days away from Lorna.

Nine thousand, four hundred and ninety three days away from Mother.

She was only 26.

She didn't deserve this.

She sighs softly, opening the curtains with her moms, seeing the dark blue and grey clouds that mixed together in an ugly fashion, seeing as rain poured down.

Genosha was usually cloudy unless Wanda or Storm was there.

Wanda was usually home, but she would help out the people whose homes were destroyed, and she didn't have time to move the clouds away, where the peoples hope and faith was.

She would get thanked, but she could understand why they didn't really like her.

They liked her father.

They liked Pietro and Peter.

They liked Lorna.

They loved the X-men.

So why didn't they like her?

Because she had Natalia's powers.

Her father had talked about it to her directly once.

Before Genosha was destroyed.

She was only ten fucking years old.

Yet she was still hated for her mother, something she couldn't control.

She could feel tears slips down her cheeks, and she wraps her arms around her body, sighing.

She wanted to go home.

'Am I safe yet?' She asks the voice.

'I'll tell you when you are. You need to collect more information about the Avengers.' The voice states, the same seriousness in its voice from the time it had first spoken to her.

'But where? I've read every book I could find about them, yet the information wasn't valuable.' She replies, seeing as lighting was crackling.

'Ask Strange and Loki.'

Wanda scoffs. 'Strange, maybe, but Loki? Fuck no, he hates me. Thinks I'm disgusting for being a mutant and witch."

'Maybe.' The voice starts. 'Maybe not. But his brother, Thor, is an Ex-Avenger. Strange was close with them and even fought with them after fighting Thanos. But they ended up not thanking him for his help. They're selfish and unkind and only care about themselves."

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