chapter one

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'nothing ever lasts forever...everybody wants to rule the world'

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WANDA LEHNSHERR MAXIMOFF woke up in a bedroom that she knew was not hers.

She had looked around, seeing a blanket was pulled over her and that her dress was hanging across from where she was laying.

"So then what am I wearing?" Shes asks herself, before trying to get up, before realizing she was tied to the bed with magic.

Magic that was not her own.

She struggles, trying to move around and get out, before realizing she can't:

She can't get out of these restraints like she couldn't get out of being the Scarlet Witch or destroying her family.

She struggles, a dry cry coming from her mouth.

"Let me out, let me out, please..." She whispers, tears hitting her body, the blankets on her being long abandoned.

She hears running outside of her door, which doesn't stop her running as a man with black hair runs in, wearing clothes she hasn't seen before.

"It's okay! You're safe!" He whispers as he tries to calm her down, going to undo the restraints.

She keeps on struggle, not hearing as he yells something, maybe calling someone, before something comes into her mind.

A different voice.

"You're not safe here. They want to lock you up. They want to burn you since your a witch."

"NO!" Wanda yells, and she lifts herself off the bed, magic sending the man back as red covers the room, making her fly.

Her eyes are a dark red, her hair floating as she holds the red magic in her hands, the magic bounds falling off her.

The man lays on the ground, not passed out but his eyes wide open, his mouth open as he feels frozen with fear.

It made sense.

She's wearing pajama pants and a tang top, but she pulls the red dress on quickly, before lowering herself down to the mans level.

Her dress hits the floor, and she looks at him, before speaking.

"Кто ты? А где я?" She asks, before pursing her lips.

"I do not speak Russian." The man replies steadily. "My name is Loki. You're safe here, Scarlet Witch."

Her eyes narrow.

She uses her magic to pick up anything around her, surrounding the man.

"Do not say those words again." She growls, moving the sharp side of a piece of glass closer to his face. "Now tell me. Where. Am. I."

"You're safe, Wanda." Another voice speaks, and Wanda turns herself around, the glass still close to Loki's face.

"Кто ты?" She asks, the man slowly flying up to her height.

"Меня зовут Доктор Стрэндж." He replies, pulling off his cloak and wrapping it around her shoulders. "А ты?"

"Меня зовут Ванда Максимофф, дочь Эрика Леншерра и Натальи Максимофф." Wanda answers, holding the clasp tightly.

"Откуда ты?" Doctor Strange asks, taking her hand in his own, pulling the two down slowly.

"Я из Сербии, но моя мама романи." Wanda answers.

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