chapter three

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'there's something in the water, i don't like the flavour, i don't like the taste.'


It was easy; after the incident in the library with Loki, she had been too scared to leave her room.

Maybe he had taken joy in it; she had attacked him.

Well, the voice had technically attacked him but it made no difference. It was still her who attacked him.

Still her body; yet no control over any of her actions.

She allows her head to hit the wall, arms holding her aching chest as she drops to her knees, allowing another painful sob to come out.

She needs to get home.

She needs to save her family; there was no use for her in this disgusting facility.

Nobody else besides Strange and Loki knew she was there.

Her father didn't know where she was.

Her brothers didn't know where she was.

Her sister didn't know where she was.

The X-men didn't know where she was.

Her mother-

No, no, that woman, the one who left her, was not her mother.

Natalia didn't know where she was.

But there were some bright sides.

Maybe she could learn her magic- learn about it, it's lengths, what she could do with it.

And the Avengers didn't know she was here.

She lets out a small grin.

She pulls herself up, walking over to bathroom.

She strips herself naked, feeling as the red dress brushes past her skin, sending a chill down her spine.

She trust the shower on, allowing the cold water to hit her hand as she turns it warmer, before stepping in.

Loki hears.

Of course he does, who couldn't hear the witches hums and moans?

The people training outside of the facility.

He was one of the only people in there; besides Strange and whoever he was training.

Maybe Christine was there. Maybe not.

He didn't really care, as Wanda's sounds were louder.

He shouldn't have been attracted to this; to the witch who had hurt him a few days ago, but fuck, he was.


How could he, Loki, son of Laufey be attracted to a Witch?

A mutant?

What the fuck was wrong with him? How could he have degraded himself so far?

He's cut out of his thoughts by another hum, followed by a short moan.


"I'm telling you, there was something wrong with her!" Peter yells to Magneto as the two walk around the home.

"Peter, are you sure? It could've been her powers acting up." Magneto replies in a calm manner, his pace not slowing down as he speaks.

"You don't believe me." He whispers, stopping as he looks up at his father.

Magneto sighs. "Peter, she's a witch. Daughter of your mother-"

"That's fucking obvious. She's my sister." Peter replies.

"Peter." Magneto starts, and the younger man sighs.

"Please, father, it wasn't anybody or anything kind. You must believe me. Please." Peter whispers.

Magneto looks in his eyes. "What did the voice say?"

His tone is tired; he is tired. He lost his daughter, who wouldn't be tired from looking for her?

She had basically disappeared out of thin air; which would be imaginable, but everyone's powers on Genosha were off.

Pietro and Peter were slower; sometimes not being able to go fast at all.

Lorna's kept almost hurting people(her father had a talk about it with her, and how he almost hurt people when he was younger with no control, and how he would help her with her powers) but trying not to scream was hard.

Magneto's were different, per say.

He could control his powers, but only with the helmet on.

He thought it was fine; but it wasn't.

His helmet had grown heavier; and people could read his mind.

He found out because of Charles.

The man; his close friend had invaded his mind quite easily when the metal bender had his helmet on.

With the words, 'Is your mutation working? The X-men's aren't. Or, not as well as they used to.'

Magneto had swallowed, looking at his shaking hands before replying with, 'Yeah, yeah. Not as well. We have no idea why.'

'May we come to Genosha?'

'Maybe. I'll tell you when we're ready. But we need help.'

'With what?'

'Wanda, my daughter, she's gone. We have no idea where. Can you try to find her?'

'Of course.'

Other than that, he had no reason to believe his powers weren't working.

"Father?" Lorna asks, and Magneto sees that Peter is standing beside him, arms crossed in annoyance. "Father, are you alright?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes, Lorna, I'm fine. What is it?" He asks, looking down at his daughter.

"The Avengers are back. They've left us a note." She responds.

"What does it say?" He asks.

Lorna sighs, before reading it. "Beware, we know where your daughter is. We'll burn her, just like we'll burn you and your mutant friends. We'll burn you like the witches."

Magneto swallows.

They were in the endgame.

'searching for nirvana, something that'll take it all away from me, don't bother me, my misery, it's holding me, won't let me speak'

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