chapter five

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'toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart, baby, bang it up inside, i'mnot wearing my usual lipstick, i thought maybe we would kiss tonight, baby will you kiss me already and, toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart, baby, bang it up inside'

WANDA LEHNSHERR MAXIMOFF never understood american holidays.

She had only been living at the compound for a few weeks(a few weeks away from her family) yet she had already experienced two.

Thanksgiving and Black Friday.

Two confusing holidays; and two Genosha didn't have.

She only celebrated Jewish holidays on Genosha, or ones she and her siblings came up with when they were younger. And Erik, being soft to them, had accepted those as holidays his family would celebrate, unless others on the island had decided to as well.

Still, she didn't understand them very well.

"Why are you eating that animal?" Wanda asks, her eyes narrowing onto the turkey. She was a vegetarian; she didn't eat animals, and neither did her family.

"It's a tradition, Maximoff." Loki sneers, pulling a piece of turkey off from the body. He pushes it towards her, and she shakes her head. "What, you don't like turkey?"

Wanda looks at him, her face morphing into disgust. "I'm a vegetarian. I don't eat meat." She replies, rolling her eyes.

His eyes settle on her; it had only been a day since he had come into her room, talking to her.

And that same day that he blushed at her.

He shrugs his shoulders, trying to deny the sinking feeling in his gut as he asks, "Well, do you even understand the holiday?"

Wanda shakes her head; she was embarrassed about that; she knew it by how Loki looked at her, that he, a god from Asgard, understood human holidays more than she did.

Or would.

"No." She whispers, swallowing, before adding, "No, I don't. Genosha didn't celebrate these holidays unless Eri-Dad accepted the ones me and my siblings came up when we were younger. Other than that, we celebrated Jewish holidays."

Loki nods at her, taking a spoon of peas and putting them on his plate. "When is Hanukkah this year, though?" He asks, true concern lacing his voice.

"November 28th to December 6th I believe." She replies. She looks around, seeing Strange nose deep into his book, his plate of food untouched, looking cold. She sighs. "Does he ever not read?"

"I may be reading, but I can still hear you, Maximoff." The Sorcerer Supreme replies, placing his book down.

"Your food is cold." Loki points out, obviously sharing the same thoughts as Wanda. "Would you like one of us to warm it up?"

A smirk laces his features, as green sprouts out of his hands and Strange sighs, as Loki tries to warm up his food and he blocks it with a quick defense.

"Loki, I will kick you out if you don't stop. Would you like to be falling forever and ever?" Strange asks in an annoyed tone, and Loki sighs, putting his magic away.

Silence covers the room, and Wanda feels the need to break it, as if the silence is choking her.

Maybe they feel the same. She doesn't know.

She's not going to invade their minds. She can't.

It hurts too much; Loki's memories of the Avengers almost killed her, as if they were warped and not right in some way.

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