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"What is this???" My step mom spat holding up my 1st Edition Mac Miller Album.
"Ummm....It's a record..." I replied shortly.
"You know good and well that I do not allow this secular crap in my house Veda! My god girl why can't you just respect my rules?? This is MY HOUSE! She paced around my room gazing hard at my nightstand and book shelf like she was looking for more reasons to bitch at me.
"I don't wanna see your sinful face the rest of the night understand???" She yelled as she stormed out.
"Oh ok, no worries I'll just chill in my DOORLESS bedroom then!" I hollered after her sarcastically.

I'm Veda and that was just a micro example of how lovely my step mom is & the dynamics of our relationship. She loves Jesus, my dad (most of the time) and her son (my half brother) but definitely hates me. Dad says it's because I look too much like my mom. I don't know what the fuck he sees in her honestly. Looks wise she reminds me of the nice teacher Miss Honey from Matilda (plain Jane white lady) except shes not nice; she's a jesus loving cunt. Gotta love religious hypocrisy.
My dad is in the military and he's a higher up so he's almost always deployed. In turn I'm always left alone with mommy dearest and my half brother Miles. Miles is cool but he's got a super active social life and is hardly ever home. He literally has an entire different set of rules and expectations than I do & it's completely unfair. And whenever he is home he never interferes when his mom treats me like shit. I guess I get it, why disrupt the system in power when you benefit from it am I right? But the Miles situation doesn't hurt nearly as much as dad making excuses for her my whole life. Trust me when I say I'm counting down the days to graduation. There's 278 by the way.

"I heard that young lady!"
"Well no need to have your hearing checked anytime soon because you were supposed to!" I popped off back at her.
I didn't used to ever really stand up for myself. I would just take it and cower and let her walk all over me. I don't know what happened but one day last year something clicked in my brain and I just blew up. Ever since then she keeps her distance and doesn't fuck with me QUITE as much but will still never hesitate to point out when I'm doing something wrong, which happens daily; I swear she gets off on it.
I put my headphones on & clicked play on my audiobook and aimlessly scrolled IG. Looks like last night was the last party of the summer, something I'll officially never get to experience in high school being that it was my last year now and school starts tomorrow.
My book stopped playing because my best friend was calling, well pretty much my only friend.

📱Veda- yo

📱Jania- what's up you still on lock down for wearing a thong last year?

📱Veda- Man J, the complexity & depth of your jokes are elite my friend. Kevin Hart better watch hisself

📱Jania- Haha fuck you and your big words asshole! Watchu wearin on the first day back?

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