The EP

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✍🏽 Album, songs, release dates, hair colors ect are not in order and totally made up in this story

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Album, songs, release dates, hair colors ect are not in order and totally made up in this story. No need to comment 😉

📱Billie- Mom I'm good I promise, shit!

📱Mom- okay, okay I'll back off. I just want you to know that we're here and never want you to hesitate for a second if you start going downhill okay? I love you sweetheart.

📱Billie- I know. I love you too, I'll talk to you later I'm busy.

📱Mom- Bye baby

📱Billie- bye

I pulled up to the studio I've been working with excited as fuck because my first EP is officially complete. I walked in and my co producer Finneas was sitting at his desk.
"Morning sunshine. You ready for this?" He smiled.
"Yes! Lemme see it already!" I demanded excitedly.
He pushed over copies of the Vinyl, Cd and cassette tape and it ALMOST made cry.
"You good? Because it sounds even better than it looks."
"You think so?" I smirked laughing softly.
"I know so, everyone I've showed it to loves it. It's relatable." He explained.
"It's weird as fuck is what it is. I mean it's basically my healing journey out there for the world to hear." I responded.
"It's raw, real, vulnerable, unapologetic and beautiful Billie. I'm very proud of you. We all are." He smiled patting the top of my hand.
"We're gonna talk about doing live shows next week, how do you feel about that?"
I sat back in my chair and sighed.
"Fuck. That's crazy"

"Well I think you need to prepare for a lot of crazy because I've got a feeling this is going to blow up

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"Well I think you need to prepare for a lot of crazy because I've got a feeling this is going to blow up."
"Stop, like seriously I just wanted to relieve stress, make art and heal. I ain't tryin to be a rockstar bro" I laughed.
"So what if this blows up and you don't have a choice but to be a rockstar?"
"Please. I'll cross that proverbial bridge when I get to it" I rolled my eyes.
"Billie Eilish you're going to wake up one day soon and your whole world is going to be turned upside. Just wait." He smirked.
"You done?" I asked sarcastically standing up and grabbing the copies of my album. "I gotta go show my friends now" I cheesed.
"Go ahead. I'll call you soon."

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