Among Us AU (Poki x Y/N x Rae)

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I was heading to the emergency room because someone had called an emergency meeting.

I arrived and saw that most of the others were already there.

I scanned the room and saw my best friends Poki and Rae standing next to each other.

I walked over and stood in the middle of them.

They smiled at me before glaring at each other.

I stared at them in confusion but shrugged it off.

Once everyone alive was there, the person who called the meeting, Jodi, started talking.

"Okay, I don't know which one of you killed my boyfriend, but I'm gonna kill you when I find out." She said angrily.

"So, where was everyone last at?" Toast asked.

"I think it's Toast." Leslie said.

"Leslie, I was just asking for everyone's locations." He said.

"Which makes you incredibly suspicious! You wanted everyone to tell you because you're the impostor and you'll know where to say you were." She said.

He stared at her before chuckling.

"Oh, Leslie, Leslie, Leslie, you sound dumb right now but I don't think you're the impostor." He said.

"I'm actually not sure who the impostors are." Toast said.

"Well, we're on eight, so we're fine." Leslie said as everyone skipped.

Everyone went their separate ways besides Poki, Rae and I.

We all went to electrical and I did my task in there, feeling safe with them.

"Y/N, me and Poki have been deciding if we should tell you this or not." Rae said as I finished my wires task.

"Okay..." I said and turned to them.

They glanced at each other before sighing.

"We're-" They said but I cut them off.

"Ah, you're dating, good for you guys." I said, slightly happy for them but still a little jealous because I liked them both.

"What? No!" They both said with disgusted faces.

"Okay, sorry!" I said.

"As I was saying." Poki said.

"We're the impostors." Rae said.

"Oh... That makes more sense." I said.

"Yep, now uh, we'll be back we need to talk about something." Poki said as Rae nodded.

They went out of the room while I decided to wait for them in electrical.

Soon after, they came back.

"Okay, Y/N, we wanna ask you something." Rae said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We both like you, and we want you to choose who you want." Poki said.

"If you like either of us." Rae added.

"Oh." I said not expecting it.

~Poki ending~
"We both like you, and we want you to choose who you want." Poki said.

"If you like either of us." Rae added.

"Oh." I said not expecting it.

"Alright, well..." I said, trailing off.

"What is it?" They asked.

"I only like Poki, sorry Rae." I said.

Poki sighed in relief while Rae's smile dropped but she nodded in understanding.

"I get it... I'll leave you two alone." Rae said and walked out of the room.

Once she did, I turned to Poki.

We stood there for a second, just staring into each other's eyes.

She smiled and took a step closer to me and closed her eyes and leaned in.

I was met with her soft lips, I gasped but quickly closed my eyes and kissed back.

She put her hands on my waist and pulled me closer.

We pulled apart and rested our foreheads on each other with smiles on our faces.

~Rae ending~
"We both like you, and we want you to choose who you want." Poki said.

"If you like either of us." Rae added.

"Oh." I said not expecting it.

"I'm sorry but-" I said but Poki cut me off.

"You don't like either of us?" She asked.

"No, I'm sorry, I just don't like you like that." I said to Poki.

I could tell she was hurt by the way she closed her eyes and sighed.

"I get it." She said.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me and then at Rae.

"I'll let you two have a moment." Poki said and walked out of the room.

Once she did, the room stayed silent.

Rae broke it by saying. "Do you really like me?"

"Yes." I said quietly.

A smile grew on her face and she pulled me into a kiss.

I sighed happily into it and kissed back.

We pulled away and we held hands with smiles on our faces.

~Poki and Rae ending~
"We both like you, and we want you to choose who you want." Poki said.

"If you like either of us." Rae added.

"Oh." I said not expecting it.

"Well, the truth is, I like both of you." I said.

They stared at me in shock before saying. "What? Are you serious?"

I laughed and said. "Yeah."

Poki smiled while Rae grinned.

"Okay, that's great!" Rae said.

"We can take you out on a date sometime." Poki said.

"I'd like that." I said and smiled at both of them.

They pulled me into a group hug and I sighed happily.

To be possibly continued...

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