Making it up to you (Tinakitten)

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3rd person's POV
Tina has been really busy with streaming lately, and Y/N understands that.

But usually Tina would at least make a little time for her, and she usually wouldn't ignore her, like right now.

"Hey, babe, did you eat anything?" Y/N asked.

Tina didn't respond and she kept on playing.

Y/N frowned at that before sighing.

Guess I'll have to try that again.

Y/N walked out of the room before closing the door.

She went on her phone for a bit, until she decided she waited long enough.

She went back in Tina's room.


She got no response.

Y/N sighed before saying. "Are you even listening to me?"

Tina was so distracted by her game and talking to chat that she didn't even notice her girlfriend.

Y/N frowned and left the room quietly.

She sat on the couch and went on her phone.

~Time Skip~
Tina was finally done streaming and she had already showered and changed.

She saw her girlfriend sitting on the couch and she smiled at that.

"Hey Y/N." She said, and sat down next to her.

Y/N stayed quiet and Tina frowned at that.

"Babe?" Tina said.

Y/N ignored her and Tina was left in silence.

Did I do something wrong?

She tried to think about what would make Y/N ignore her.

And then she realized, that she had ignored her girlfriend.

Tina stood up and put on her shoes and grabbed her keys.

"Um, I'll be back." Tina said.

Y/N stayed quiet and Tina sighed before leaving the house.

~Time Skip~
Tina had came home with a lot of stuff to try to make it up to Y/N.

She set the bags down and sat down on the couch.

Y/N scooted away from her while Tina sighed.

"Okay, I get why you're mad at me, but can we please talk?"

Y/N just focused on her phone while Tina frowned slightly at that.

"Okay, well, um, I've got your favorite snacks and stuff." Tina said and pointed to the bags.

Y/N still stayed silent and Tina rubbed her hands on her own legs.

"Um, well, here you go." Tina said and put a bag in Y/N's lap.

Y/N ignored her and Tina poured at that.

Tina started taking things out of the bag.

She had gotten Y/N's favorite snacks, candy and chips.

Y/N finally glanced over at Tina and the snacks.

"These are for you." Tina said and put it on Y/N's lap.

She smiled when Y/N's eyes lit up.

Y/N forgot all about why she was angry at Tina and she smiled and grabbed the snacks before pecking Tina's cheek.

Tina flushed red as Y/N opened one of the bags with a smile.

She ate some chips before offering Tina some.

Tina grabbed one and ate it before grabbing the control and turning on the tv.

Tina hesitantly wrapped her arms around Y/N, and Y/N snuggled into her.

Tina smiled at that and passed the control to Y/N.

"You can pick something." Tina said.

Y/N thanked her and pecked her lips.

They spent the rest of the day just hanging out with each other and cuddling.

To be possibly continued...

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