School Crush (Sykkuno)

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3rd person's POV
Y/N was walking through the halls and she was heading to her next class.

But on the way there, she bumped into someone.

She stumbled back but the person quickly caught her.

Y/N sighed in relief and looked up, only to see Sykkuno.

They both turned red, but they didn't realize it because they both looked away.

Y/N carefully got out of his arms.

"T-Thanks Sykkuno." Y/N said.

He smiled at her and said. "No problem."

They locked eyes for a second before they both looked away with a blush on their faces.

Sykkuno cleared his throat before saying. "Uh, let's head to class."

Y/N nodded and they walked to their next class that they shared with each other.

They finally made it into the baking class and they sat down next to each other.

The bell soon rang and the teacher started taking attendance.

He called out a few names until he got to a familiar one.

"Thomas." He said.

Sykkuno shyly raised his hand and said. "Here."

The teacher nodded and marked Sykkuno present.

"Y/N." He said.

"Here." Y/N said.

The teacher called on more names while Sykkuno and Y/N continued talking.

"So, do you have a crush?" Y/N asked.

Sykkuno flushed red before fixing his hair.

"Um, yeah actually..." He said.

Y/N smiled at that, and she really hoped it was her.

"Really? Who is it?" Y/N asked.

Sykkuno shifted a bit before sighing.

"Well, I can't tell you her name, but uh, she's nice, pretty, funny, and talented, and cool." Sykkuno said as he got red by thinking about his crush.

Y/N's smile faltered, since she wasn't very confident in herself, she didn't think Sykkuno was talking about her.

"Oh, that's nice, do I know her?" Y/N asked, trying to think about anyone who met those descriptions.

Sykkuno avoided her eyes before nodding.

"Yeah, in a way, you do."

"Oh." Y/N said.

It went silent, and Sykkuno was about to say something, but the teacher beat him to it.

"Okay, today, we're going to be making a cake, you can decorate it, but only after you do the basics and if we have enough time, you can present it." Mr. Williams said.

Sykkuno groaned at that before saying. "Oh no, I can't cook!"

Y/N chuckled before saying. "Don't worry, that's where I come in."

Sykkuno stifled his laughter before saying. "No offense, but you can't cook either."

"Hey!" Y/N said.

~Time Skip~
Sykkuno and Y/N were surprisingly doing well so far, that was until Sykkuno slipped while cracking an egg, and the yolk fell on Y/N and him.

"What the- Sykkuno!" Y/N said.

Sykkuno covered his mouth and laughed. "Sorry! I'm sorry!"

Y/N tried to muster up a fake annoyed look, but once she looked up, she could help but smile.

There Sykkuno was, laughing with his hand over his mouth while flour and yolk fell off of him with every shake he did from laughing.

Y/N turned red and looked away, and she tried to focus back on baking a cake.

To be possibly continued...

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