ch.11 Reunited

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This chapter is short and is filled with fluff but I hope you will still enjoy! Better chapters will be coming soon!

When I wake up the brunette has his arms and legs wrapped tightly around me like a koala bear. I shift to get up which wakes the sleeping koala boy up.

"When my dad told me you liked to cuddle I didn't believe him, but I guess he was right." I laugh as Tubbo pulls his limbs away from me. His face lights up with a blush but he laughs with me.

"Sorry about that. Now lets go get some brecky!" Tubbo exclaims as he jumps off the bed.

"Don't call it that." My tone turns serious jokingly but he laughs.

"Brecky!" He chants as he skips around his small room. I ignore him as I make my way down the hallway. But at the end I hear voices so I decide to stop just above the stairs. From behind me I hear a pitter patter of beats.

"What are you doing?" Tubbo asks.

"Shushhh!" I turn to him and put a finger up to his lips silencing him. Tubbo rolls his eyes but follows orders.

From the stairs its hard to hear what the voices are saying but I'm surprised when I hear my name. Tubbo and I both look over at each other then I recognize the voice. I let out a loud sigh and Tubbo gives me a confused look. Of course Techno, the most overprotective person ever shows up! My first ever sleepover is bothered by my perfect brother.

"Techno.." I whisper and roll my eyes as we make our way down the stairs. From my peripheral vision I see Tubbo's eyes light up and hear as he gasps when we see my tall, well built, pink haired brother, sitting on his brown couch. I roll my eyes again when he sees me.

My brother finishes what he was saying to Tubbo's dad then turns to me and says, "Tommy, good morning." Despite his words being kind I immidetaly can tell that I'm going to get a scolding later on. "How bout you thank Mr. Dearest for his hospitality before we go back to the castle." Tubbo and I obvisouly have the  same look on our faces when he says this because Tubbo's dad laughs.

"Please, Prince Techno, stay for breakfast. I was hoping I could cook pancakes for Tommy before he left." Techno lets out a sigh but seeing Tubbo's  and I's faces he decides he can stay for a little while longer.

"Oh alright." Tubbo laughs and pats my back. I return a smile after giving Techno a small nod of thanks.

And so we all have a pleasant breakfast of waffles and fruit. We laugh and talk and I'm glad that Techno has finally met Tubbo. But when we're all finished Techno says its time to leave, I immidetaly feel my mood drop.

"You'll visit more, yeah?" Tubbo asks as he pulls away from our hug. I smile and nod but then realize I'm forgetting something. Shroud! How could I forget my little pet.

"Oh no! We never woke up Shroud!" I exclaim, from beside me Techno gives a confused expression. "I'll meet you outside Tech, I'll be just a minute." So I run upstairs to Tubbo's room where I see a still sleeping Shroud in bed.

"Come on you lazy fuck, time to get up!" I laugh as I poke the fluffy animal and he jumps up. When he sees my face he sticks out his tongue and makes his way to the side of the bed. I pick him up and let him lick my cheek. "Ok, we need to hurry, Techno is waiting."

When we get back down to the first floor I thank Tubbo and his father again, then rush out the door. Techno is leaning against a brick building from across the street. I make my way over to him and he squints at the sight of something black and fluffy in my arms.

"Techno meet Shroud." I hold up Shroud close to Techno's face and dangle him like he's my favorite doll and I'm a little girl.

"Tommy, what is that?" Techno sighs as he pokes the spiders tummy.

"Shroud," I shrug as I pull the creature up to my chest. Again he sticks out his tongue and licks my arm.

"Shroud?" Techno questions.

"My pet, you like him?" Techno laughs.

"We were gone for a week and you went out and adopted a pet spider!" He chuckles.

"Well technically he thinks I'm his mother, so I didn't really adopt him, he adopted me." I correct him.

Techno shakes his head and continues down the street.

"And I didn't really have anything else to do. You guys kinda left me all alone." I put simply, but I see as Techno flinches beside me.

"I'm sorry about that. I had no clue you were left alone, I thought there would be more people at the castle." He looks guiltly down to his feet so I lean into his arm and hook our arms together.

"Its alright Techy, Shroud here has been helping me with my panic attacks though!" I smile, Techno will be super happy to hear this. I've never really had anything that could help me with my episodes.

"Really?!" He looks over with a large goofy smile. "Thats great!" He chuckles.

So we ride back to the castle talking about my spider the whole time. Its a relief to have Techno back, and safe.

Now I just need to hope Dad and Wilbur return as quick and safely as possible.

words 948

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