You're The One I Wanted To Find

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"Lauren? Are you awake?"

It comes out in a whisper, just like Camila intended it to. It's almost three in the morning, after all, and the darkness of the generic hotel room they're staying in is starting to make her feel claustrophobic.

"Yeah," Lauren mumbles from the other bed, and Camila can hear the sheets rustle as the older girl gets up and walks over to where she's laying.

Lauren slides in next to her, shifting around for a moment before she finds a comfortable position, her eyes trained on the ceiling.

"Do you believe in coincidence?" Camila asks, thinking out loud like she often does when she's spending time with Lauren.

After all, that's what best friends do. They ask each other about the meaning of life and all that deep, emotional stuff, right?

"Sometimes, I guess. I don't know. I think it depends on the situation," the older girl mumbles, "what about you?"

"Not really. I mean I think there are so many things that happen that seem too meaningful or perfect for it to just be chance. There has to be something more to it all. Don't you think?"

Camila doesn't even know why she's been thinking about this for the past hour or why she needed to hear Lauren's view on it, but she's glad that she has someone she can talk to like this. Someone she can talk to about anything, no matter what; someone who never questions why she's thinking about stuff like this in the middle of the night. She rolls over as Lauren speaks again.

"Sometimes, yes. But other times, no. I think it can seriously be as simple as being at the wrong place at the wrong time, or the right place at the right time. That sort of thing. Like when there's a car accident, I don't think that person is destined to get hurt. I think that's just someone who had really shitty timing that day."

Camila considers this for a moment. The other girl has a valid point, sometimes shit probably does just happen that's out of any realm of control.

"But what about, like, us?"

"What do you mean?" Lauren asks.

"Us. You and me. Meeting on a reality show, both being from Miami, having so much in common, getting put in the same group..." Camila trails off for a moment, "Do you think it's just coincidence that we met?"

Lauren doesn't hesitate with her response, not even for a second.

"No. I don't think that's just a coincidence at all."

Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand
And I come here to talk
I hope you understand

It's the first night of their new tour and Camila has managed to trip twice, forget the words to a song, and mess up the choreography in their encore. She rips her earpieces out and throws them at the audio guy as she starts to tear up, before she heads straight towards the dressing room. She just wants to change, curl up in her bunk on the bus, and forget that this night ever happened. Except she's positive that millions of vines of her screwing up are already posted for the entire world to see.

"Camila," she hears a raspy voice call out behind her, and when she turns around she's met by Lauren, who grabs her arm gently and pulls her away from the dressing room, "Come here."

Lauren drags her behind some lighting equipment, away from the hustle and bustle of the post-show teardown, and away from the other girls who are taking over the dressing room while they speak.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm just so embarrassing," Camila lets out a sniffle, "I can never get anything right on the first try. I ruin everything."

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