Your Admirer

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Camila gets a secret admirer right before Valentine's Day.
Monday, Feb. 10th

"Make it clear you don't wanna talk to him," Ally said to Camila as they walked up to the entrance of their school.

"It's not that easy," Camila sighed, her ex Austin has been blowing up her phone all weekend; though, the two had been on and off for a little more than a year, he realized that Camila was actually serious this time when she said it was over and has now been trying to get her back.

"Camila Cabello, do not tell me you still love him," Ally sternly said in disbelief.

"Still love with who?" Dinah asked as she joined the group who were now in front of Camila and Ally's lockers that were right next to each other. "The answer better not be Austin," she said to Camila disapprovingly.

"Guys, I'm not in love with him, I don't think I ever was. I guess part of me still cares for him is all." Camila explained as she opened her locker, it revealed a small bouquet of roses and violets with a note attached to it, Camila curiously took it in her hands. She ignored the girls' questions as she read the note:

Roses are red, Violets are blue,
Nothing is close to beautiful, When compared to you
-Your Admirer

"Aw!" The other two girls cooed, obviously having read the note while over her.

Camila flushed, reading the note over again; She had an admirer? Camila had never really been pursued by anyone before, this was actually the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her to date. Then her mind went to who this could possible be, well, obviously it could only be one person.

Camila smiled, "See I told you guys, Austin isn't that bad of a person."
Dinah and Ally gave each other a worried look, Ally then nervously protested, "But Mila, it could be from anyone! It's a secret admirer."

Camila giggled, "Don't be silly who else could it be from? I'm not exactly the most popular person in school, there's no one else that would do this for me."

Camila watched as both her friends stood silent, Dinah looked as if she was painfully biting her tongue, wanting to say something. Camila just shrugged off the odd behaviors of her friends, because that's just them, and made her way over to Austin.

He was just down the hall a little more, Ally and Dinah trailed behind her, still with undecipherable faces; Camila then cut through his circle of friends to give him a hug. He happily reciprocated, though he was a bit confused he lowly asked, "You wanna get back together now don't you?"

Camila giggled as she got out of the hug to slap his chest, "No! I just wanted to say thank you for the beautiful flowers and lovely poem."

Austin looked even more confused but brushed it off as he whispered in her ear, "Glad you liked it, beautiful."

Camila bit her lip, Ally and Dinah looked both disgusted and distressed, she pulled away from him completely and started to walk backwards saying, "I have to go but, I'll talk to you later."
Austin just winked at her before she turned and continued to make her way to class, in a state of bliss, she totally ignored everything Ally and Dinah were saying to her, they were always so negative about everything that came to Austin.

Camila just wasn't very good at noticing things. For example, she didn't notice the high fives Austin shared with his buddies after he left, claiming he was close to 'hittin' that'.

She also didn't notice that her other two close friends that she had seen every morning before class, hadn't made an appearance yet. But those two friends were watching her, the whole time, from around the corner where Normani's locker was. Lauren banged her fist repeatedly in anger calling herself stupid; the late bell rang and Normani was no where near being able to calm her down. Maybe this was a bad idea, Normani thought to herself as she grabbed both of Lauren's arms to make her stop the banging.
Camila did notice when one friend was missing from the lunch table though, "Where's Lauren?" she asked generally to her three friends.

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