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Lauren sat in the plane as shock took over her body. One thought rang out clear in her head.

I have to call Camila.

She stood up and walked to the stewardess, asking if she could use her cell phone. The stewardess nods, after all, the plane was already going down so it's not like they had to worry about phone signals interfering with the equipment.

Lauren types in the phone number she's had memorized for the last three years, trying to figure out just what she'll say to her girlfriend. For some reason 'Hey I'm about to die' just doesn't sound right. Sadly she's not given much time to think as Camila picks up on the first ring.

"Have you heard the news?! The twin towers were hit! They say it's terrorists!"

Lauren can imagine Camila pacing around her living room, occasionally looking worriedly at the TV. The thought makes Lauren so depressed that she almost bursts into tears right on the spot.

"Wait, how are you calling me? I thought you weren't allowed to use phones on the plane."

"I'm allowed to use it now," Lauren mumbles.

"Oh are you back already! I can come get you at the airport if you want."

Lauren inhales sharply, imagining Camila waiting around the airport for a flight that'd never arrive.

"Lo? Is there something wrong?"

"I.....I'm not going to make it back."

"You mean today?"

Camila sounds genuinely confused and Lauren bites onto her lip, trying not to cry.

"No. I mean I'm not coming back.....at all."

There's silence on the other end and, for a moment, Lauren thinks that Camila hasn't heard her. But she hears an intake of breath and knows that Camila's just taking some time to process what Lauren's just said.

"What do you mean?"

Her voice cracks and Lauren can hear the fear in it. She yearns desperately to tell Camila that she was just joking and that she needed to be picked up. She knows it's what her girlfriend wants to hear....but what's the point in lying?

"Camz, it's all over the news, planes crashing into the twin towers, terrorists, tons of people dying......"

Lauren trails off, unsure of how to continue.

"So you're going to crash into the twin towers."

"No, the pilot found a way to override it."

Camila sighs in relief and Lauren feels her heart clench painfully.

"Camz we're still going to crash.....but at least we'll crash in an open field. Just think of all the lives we'll save."

Once again, there's silence on the other end.


She's interrupted by a loud sob that rips her heart to shreds.

"Camila please don't cry. Imagine all the people that'll still be alive because of this plane."

"I don't care how many people are saved because of your plane! I'd gladly trade them all just to keep you safe!"

The tears that Lauren tried so hard to hold back come flooding out of her eyes as she hears her girlfriend fall to pieces on the other end of the phone. She leans her head against the plane window and waits for Camila's sobs to quiet down. Eventually they do, and both girls sit in silence, not sure how to say goodbye.

Camila is the first to speak, saying 'I love you' into the phone. Lauren squeezes her eyes shut, memories of the thousand of times they've said that to each other playing in her brain.
Lauren whispers it back, afraid of being overheard by one of the other passengers. Because this moment belongs to her and Camila, nobody else.

"Are you scared?"

Camila sounds so broken as she says it and Lauren wishes that she could be there to hold her girlfriend in her arms one last time and tell her that everything will be okay.


Yes Camila. I can't stop thinking about the things that I'll never do, the dreams I'll never accomplish. I'm so fucking scared. I'm scared that death is going to be nothing but blackness. And I'm scared of having to leave you. But it's funny, because I'm more scared for you then I am for myself.


"Camila.....I have to go...the planes going to crash."

She hears Camila sigh, knowing that she's trying to hold back more sobs so as not to make Lauren feel even worse about dying. Although Lauren doubts she could feel much worse than she does at this moment.

"I love you."

Lauren smile slightly, tears staining her cheeks again.

"I love you too."

They both hang up and Lauren places her phone in her lap, staring at her wallpaper. It's a picture of her and Camila at Disneyland for Camila's birthday.

I love you.

The clouds rush past the window and Lauren tries to keep her focus on her phone screen, wanting Camila's smiling face to be the last thing she sees before she goes.

I love you Karla Camila Cabello.

Finally the urge to look outside becomes too great and she takes a peek out of the window just in time to see the ground rushing up to meet the plane at an alarming rate. She quickly looks back at her phone and brushes her fingers over her girlfriends smiling face.

And I'm going to miss you so m-

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