Shower Problems

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Lauren was in the middle of her shower. She was rinsing the shampoo of her long hair. The hot water falling over her body and relaxing it right away, after the long day of interviews they had while their week in Australia.

She opened her eyes, wiping the water of them with her hands and whined loudly because of what she saw. She pressed her body against the tiles of the bathroom wall quickly because her green eyes rested on a big spider on the ceiling.

"Fuck." She said, terrified, staring at the brown, huge and disgusting thing, which was seeming to stare back at her.

"Oh my God..." She mumbled and felt a shiver going through her body just by the thought of it. She was thinking about what she could do, but the freaking spider seemed to be ready to jump on her at any second.

She straightened her right arm, still paralyzed on her spot, and tried reaching the shower glass door to slide it open. As soon as she moved an inch from it, the spider decided to change her spot and give a few steps to the side with her eight beautiful legs.

Lauren squealed, totally scared, made a face at the thing, and brought her both arms to wrap around her own naked torso. She was protecting herself from the horrifying organism taking a shower along with her, not even asking for her consent first.

She still needed to use the hair conditioner, so she did it all very quietly, not moving much. Her eyes kept open and fixed on the paralyzed spider aligned with her on the ceiling.

"We're all in this together..." Lauren heard someone singing from the bedroom and her heart rushed. Someone to save her. Camila had said earlier that she would stay the afternoon with Dinah, so Lauren didn't know she was back in their hotel bedroom.

"Camz?" She said a bit louder than her normal tone, but she didn't yelled.

"Camz?!" She called again since Camila didn't answer her after the five seconds she waited. Camila stopped her singing, now hearing Lauren's voice, which was being muffled by the walls and her own voice screaming High School Musical songs.

"Hey, Lo?" Camil asked. She was sitting on her hotel bed, scrolling down her Tumblr dash on her phone.

"CAMZ!" Lauren screamed this time. She didn't hear Camila answering to her because of the strong water jets hitting the floor.

"LO! WHAT?" Camila screamed back, and chukled at Lauren's desperation.

"Come take a shower with me." Lauren yelled. She knew if she told Camila that that was a huge spider on the ceiling, inside their hotel bathroom, she would freak out and both would be lost.

"What?!" Camila asked, extremely confused, and her cheeks flushed in a vivid red.

Had been a long time since Lauren had said that to the last time. In the beginning of their friendship, they felt so comfortable around each other that sometimes they even took showers together. In the most naive way of it.

But then, feelings started being evolved. Not only the friendly feelings they were used to, and they, subconsciously, agreed on stopping with that. Just like on stopping all the stares, lovable hugs, spontaneous smiles that used to happen all the time for the entire world to see. The feelings were still there though, and even avoiding to the maximum, they had many occasions where it was just not humanly possible to shut them down. But that is another story.

"Come take a shower with me!" Lauren screamed again, staring at the spider freezed on the same spot.

"No..." Camila mumbled, more to herself because Lauren didn't even hear that, thinking about all the 'unappropriate' feelings that a shower together would cause.

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