Don't Forget

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Did you forget that I was even alive

Did you forget everything we ever had

Did you forget, did you forget about me

It's been 7 months since the accident. The accident that changed not only my life but hers too. The accident that I caused. The accident that made Camila forget me, but most importantly US. I always blame myself thinking I could of acted different of the situation. I didn't even let her explain her side of the story which was probably the truth. I was stupid for believing CeCe. She always hated Camila, and wanted me for herself. I should have seen it coming but I didn't, and because of her and my stupid self I lost the most important thing I had in my life.

Did you regret ever standing by my side

Did you forget we were feeling inside

Now I'm left to forget about us

Every single day after the accident I tried regaining her memory, but my plans always failed and not only frustrated me but her too. I would take her to our favorite pizza parlor, to our secret hid out in the woods behind her house but nothing. Till one day she just gave up, and was ok with not remembering us.

But somewhere we went wrong

We were once so strong

Our love is like a song, you can't forget it

She might have given up on us but I sure haven't. I don't care how many times she screams in my face and slams the door in my face, I still remember us, and I'm still in love with her. But every time she pushing me back the more I feel our love fading away, and my breaks every time, but I must stay strong for her sake.

So now I guess this is where we have to stand

Did you regret every holding my hand

Never again, please don't forget, don't forget

One night I remembered a saying that Camila told me, If you love something.....set it free. If it comes back its yours. If it doesn't it was never yours, and that's what's I need to do. Set Camila free, but not without one last fight. I found a video I made for our anniversary before the whole accident.
Hopefully when I plays this to her on our 1 year anniversary she will remember everything.

We had it all, we were just about to fall
even more in love, than we were before

I won't forget, I won't forget about us

Today was the day, I could either have my Camz back or I loose the best thing that has came into my life. I had the whole house to myself so I hung lights everywhere, and threw blankets and pillows on the floor and ordered Camz favorite pizza. When everything was setup and ready the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw Camila holding candy. I took her by the hand and led her to the living room without saying a word and sat her right in front of the TV. When she got comfortable I looked her right into her eyes, "This is my last fight for you," and with that I started the video. I started to smile like a idiot, seeing all the memories we made together, but when I turned to see Camila's expression it was blanked and a bit confused, and that's when I knew I lost.

Somewhere we went, we were once so strong

Our love is like a song, you can't forget it at all

Tears ran down my face knowing that the girl that I love doesn't feel the same anymore and doesn't remember me. " I'm really sorry Lauren, I wish I could remember all those great looking memories, but I can't, but by the way you looked at me, and treated me in the video, any girl would be lucky to have you has their girlfriend." I looked down at my feet , " well I was lucky enough to have you Camz," she got up and gave me one last kiss on the cheek. She was about to walk out the door when I stopped her. I ran to the dvd player and took the dvd out and handed it to her. " Here take it maybe one day you will watch it, and remember, but promise me you will watch every night before you go to sleep." She lifted my chin with her finger so she could look me in the eyes," I promise Lauren."

And at last

All the pictures have been burned

And all the past

Is just a lesson that we've learned

I won't forget

Please don't forget us

I gave her a kiss on the lips hoping it would of worked but it didn't, she smiled " bye Lauren," and with that I knew I have given it my all, and that I finally set her free, but who knows she might have not came back in the present, but she might comeback in the future, and be forever mine, because I know I will never forget about us.

Somewhere we went wrong

Our love is like a song

But you won't sing long

You've forgotten

about us

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