Chapter 2 - Sunday, 3PM

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I've kept that text in the back of my mind for the past 2 days now. I haven't told anyone either because what's the point? What am I supposed to tell them anyways? 'I got an anonymous text a few days ago telling me to show up at the location sent no later than the time sent' and guess what? I'm going to show up!

It's currently Sunday around noon and I'm at the studio where we're all getting ready to stretch for the last half hour of class.

Mike walks in, getting ready for his next class and we talk for a bit until it's time for me to go.

I make a quick trip to stop at the store on my way back home because LT is getting low on his food. I don't really know how he runs out so fast though, I never see him eat it but it's always there one minute and gone the next.

"Hey Tubbs, I'll be back hopefully soon, your food's out, please don't go outside today, just read your books because I swear to you, if you go out and meet with that darn gang-" I can feel myself getting riled up so I take a deep breathe. "Stay home. I'll be back later, if I'm not back by dark call the police."

I change into my dance clothes: black and leggings and a black short sleeved crop top. I put on a hoodie and comfortable shoes, grab my bag and go out the door.

A good twenty minutes later I pull up to the location and make my way inside.

The first thing I see is a sign reading

Dance Auditions

So I can only assume I'm supposed to follow the sign considering I was coming here to dance, so I do that.

A little further down the hall at the end there's another sign pointing left so I round the corner. I can faintly hear music as I walk the hall.

Another sign pointing towards a door. When I go to the door and push it open, I see five people in basically the center of the auditorium and some other people in the audience.

I look at the person on the stage and watch as he works wonders up there.

He's definitely going to make it.

Walking in quietly and moving along the back, I make it where I'm supposed to be.

"You here for the auditions?" A guy that I swear came out of no where asks.

I point to myself to which he nods.

"Yeah what about you?"

"No just watching." He responds.

We walk along the sides of the auditorium towards the back and continue talking.

"Oh, so someone you know's auditioning?"

"More like I know the person holding the auditions."

"Oh really? That's cool! Do you dance?" I ask.

"Yeah actually but mostly for fun, I'm not one for the spotlight."

"Understandable, not for everyone. I'm kind of the same." I confess.

"How do you mean?"

"Well, I've been dancing since I was young, my mom says from the moment I could walk, I wanted to dance. She was of course right and put me in lessons when she had extra money for it and since then it's what I've done. I've never really auditioned for anything like this."

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