Chapt 6 - Stuck in Her Ways

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"Nope this is wrong, I don't like the way that flows Jordan. From the dip at the end of the pre chorus we need a bang, something needs to really hit the audience going into the chorus here."

The music pauses for the fifth time in the past two hours.

"Santana with all due respect, you don't choreograph. It's been three days now and you keep changing things! I love you girl but we need to get the music video out as soon as possible. There isn't time for changes every rehearsal."

"And who says it needs to be out asap? Michael? He might be my manager but he sure as hell doesn't run me. And the label can deal with this taking a few extra days! I've been with them for years, brought them tons of recognition and money for godsake."

"Take five guys." Jordan waves us off.

We retreat to get water and chat but I keep an ear out for their conversation.

"They'll deal. What isn't going to happen however is imperfection. I have fans out there that I genuinely appreciate. They don't deserve anything less than perfect. That includes making them feel the words I'm singing."

"And that's admirable Santana. It is, but we can't keep doing this. I okay'd this with you before we started rehearsals and you were fine with it but now there's problems? Not to mention, every variation I give you, you turn down! I'm starting to get dancers block!"

"Let's just- ugh okay let's just move onto a different part, can we do that? We'll come back to this later."

"Yes we will." He says to her then addresses us. "Alright guys reel it in. We're going to go back over the intro into the pre chorus, skip that section and learn the chorus."

Near four hours later, Jordan calls rehearsal early so he can fix up the pre chorus's ending.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow, practice seriously. I can already tell this is going to take longer than this was originally supposed to." He sighs.

"Bye! I'll catch you guys later today right?" I wave to Alecia and Norah.

"Of course!" Alecia responds happily.

"Yeah I'll send you the place mate." Norah waves as they both walk out.

Waiting for everyone to clear out, I fiddle with my bag.

"You good there Brittany?" I hear someone say.

Turning around I see the voice belongs to Santana.

Surprised that she's talking to me of all people or even knows who I am despite barely talking, I almost forget to respond.

"Oh uh yeah- yep I'm great!"

"Really? Because you're the only dancer still here aside from Jordan and it doesn't look like you're about to walk out the door. I can't imagine why that is." She's now standing in front of me with her arms crossed and a quizzical look.

"Oh well see," I look up and see Jordan packing his bag up and looking over at us. "I was actually hoping to talk to Jordan about the choreography." I said meekly.

"Really?" She questions with a hint of amusement. At what I wasn't sure.


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