Chapter 11 - Mundane Pt. 1

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"Okay class great job today! You guys picked these steps up fast! Should I be worried about getting replaced because this new teacher has got y'all up there!"

"Ah cmon B, no one's better than you teach!" Andrea, a long time member here at Mike's studio says to me as I dismiss the class.

"No one's as fun either!" Jay, a newer member, adds.

"You all flatter me, get on outta here now, I'll see you guys in a few days, practice these steps please!" I call out as the class starts trickling out the door.

As I get my stuff together my eyes are pulled to the door after seeing someone walk in instead of out.

"Santana? What are you doing here? How did you even know I was here?" I look at her confused as she stands by the door of the studio.

"You forgot didn't you?" She looks at me with a smile.


"The museum's today, I was texting and calling you earlier but no response, so I might have asked around."

"Oh crap! I'm sorry Santana I totally lost track of time. And the days of the week. I've been here pretty much 24/7 since we wrapped up filming last week."

"Guess it's a good thing our friends are basically dating."

I gave her a quizzical look as I walked over to get a towel.

"Mike let it slip to Jordan that you were at his studio, I was with Jordan, now I'm here."

"Oh that makes sense. Um, yeah I'm sorry I can meet you at the museum if you'd like? I have to shower and still get ready and crap I still had a few errands to run.. I'll have to make a sandwich or something quick before I go too.." I start rambling to myself.

"Britt it isn't a big deal, I'm already here so I don't know how about I join you?" She asks. "Besides you have plenty of time. I was actually here to invite you to lunch prior to this museum so you've got a few hours still. We aren't meant to be there until around 7."

"Oh thank Gary. Okay um yeah okay great. You don't have to tag along though, I'm sure you have more important things to do than follow me around the city. You'll be bored out of your mind plus there's the whole 'I still have to shower and get dressed' thing."

I ramble and scramble trying to get my things together and leave the room.

"Well Brittany, I have zero issues with that."

"Great! Okay um.. on a scale of one to extremely basic, what are your thoughts on sushi?" I chuckle a little nervously as I get to the door and hold it open for her.

"Oh wow I can't remember the last time I ate that. Raw fish is not my thing by any means but thankfully, there's plenty of diversity in my options so if you want sushi we should get sushi." She smiles over at me as we walk down the hall.

"Okay great we can get some while we're out! Oh wait are you comfortable leaving your car here all evening? I'm not sure if we'll be done in time for me to drop you off here."

"Don't worry about that, perks of fame include the ability to have a chauffeur, I'll just tell him to take the day." She lifts a shoulder as we walk.

"Well, I guess that solves that."

"Yup! Where to first?" She asks as we get to my car.

"Flower shop! My parents anniversary is coming up so I have to make sure I order them early enough to be there on time."

"How many years?" She asks.

"Twenty fifth I think?"

"Oh damn that's great! Twenty five years."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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