The Start of Something - Y/n and Technoblade

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It was quite busy at the marketplace therefore it was the best place to blend in. Although, in this particular market, no one really blended in. Travelers and merchants from all different lands afar gather here, either in search of buying products or selling products. I could feel a bit more than a twinge of annoyance when I saw a witchcraft stool, selling magic crystals and small colored bottles which the seller claimed to be 'potions'. I walk over to the booth casually, picking up a rock and pretended to examine it and then putting back down before turning to walk away. As I left, I kicked one of the legs of the stall, hard, and it buckled, sending crystals flying all over the place and smashing, exposing them to be only made out of colored glass. No one saw me kick the booth and I slipped away in the midst of all the chaos. The people here really thought that witchcraft was a joke. A form of entertainment.

As I walked down the center of the marketplace, stall-keepers were shouting from every single angle possible, trying to convince me to buy their items. However, I only came here for one thing : food. I was running out very quickly and my bag only consisted of an iron sword and two apples. I walked over to the stall selling cakes and baked goods and asked the fair-faced girl running the stall for quite a few loaves of bread and a bag of cookies. The girl didn't question it at all and I figured that travelers must come through here all the time. I was just getting out my money when a voice spoke out from behind me.

"That's a lot of bread."

I turned around and saw a man around my age, maybe a little older, looking at me. On his face, he wore a pig mask and his clothes were suitable for royalty. And, to add to the noble look, he wore a crown on his head, embedded with jewels. I just smiled politely.

"Well, this is the first market I've come across in two weeks. I don't know how far the next one is." I replied with a shrug. The man seemed interested.

"You travel then?" He asked.

"It's basically all I do." I answered, shrugging again. And it was true. 

Ever since my mom was executed for 'toying with black magic', they burned her at the stake with people around her screaming "Witch". It didn't help that, a few years before, her eldest child - my brother- disappeared without a trace. No one in the village knew what had happened to him but they all believed that he was dead, although his body was never found. I wished that I could hang onto that little string of hope left, knowing that if his body hasn't been found, then there was a chance that he might not be dead. Although, I knew I was just lying to myself.

Anyways, after that, suspicion fell on me, the daughter of the said 'witch' and so I fled, before they could kill me too. I knew that I looked guilty as fuck but I've been on the run ever since.

The man nodded. "Well, do you know where you're off to?" He asked. I shook my head, handing the baker girl the money. "I'm not sure. I don't really have a destination in mind." I said. "Although I never do." I smiled. "I'm a traveler after all."

The man didn't smile back but his posture seemed relaxed and comfortable when he was talking to me. "Well, since you don't have a set destination, maybe you could accompany me to the next village?" I thanked the girl as she gave me my change. I put the money away.

"Do you travel too then?"

"You could say that." He said, with an air of mystery to his words. "Not as much as you do of course. I have a house, not far from the village."

I just nodded. The truth was, I envied him for having a house to go back to. I envied him for having a place to call home.  

"So," He said. "I'm guessing you travel alone?" 


"But you seem so young."

"I'm 17." I said, crossing my arms. "You don't seem much older."

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