Romeo and Juliet - Katherine and Billiam

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This is basically what would've happened in the masquerade chapter if Time Traveler Karl didn't step in and bring Y/n back into their timeline 

Katherine's POV

I scrambled backwards as far as I could, away from Karl. The knife in his hand was still pointed towards me and he was coming closer with every step.

The further I got away from Karl, the closer I got to the egg. As my back hit the wall next to one of the vines, strange, incoherent whispers filled my brain. However, I was less worried about the whispers and more about the possessed, red-eyed boy wanting to murder me. 

My eyes flickered from Karl to the man standing to the side of the room. My eyes clouded with the pain of being betrayed by the one I cared about most in this world. I waited for him to do something, anything as Karl got closer and closer to me. Death came closer and closer to me. 

Perhaps I was hoping that last minute, he would realize that he loved me back. Perhaps I was hoping that he would jump in and save me, just in time. 

But as my eyes looked pleadingly at him, he turned away, not able to meet my gaze. Part of my heart sank but the other half remained hopeful. 

He couldn't watch me die. That meant he cared, right?

A sudden idea brought me back to reality. I noted that the red in Karl's eyes matched the red of the egg and the vines coming from it. I remembered what Billiam said. 

"It possessed nearly everyone at the party..."

It's like they say, you want to take down an army of aliens, you gotta go for the mothership.

I took off my heel and stabbed it into the vine next to me. The stiletto pierced the thin surface of the vine and Karl opened his mouth, but the shriek that he let out was not human. I pierced another hole in the vine and Karl doubled over in pain, dropping the knife. I seized my opportunity to lunge forwards and grabbed it. When I had retrieved the weapon, I stood over Karl, who seemed to have just woken up from a sleep. I noted that his eyes were now back to normal. 

However, as I stood over him with the knife, the whispers from the egg started to get louder. It was like someone had lit a fire inside my brain and now it was burning and spreading like a uncontrollable disease. The incoherent sentences bellowed over and over again in my head until they merged into one word that I understood. 

Kill. Kill. Kill.

With the word chanting repeatedly in my head, red blinded my vision and I couldn't see anything except the bright crimson. A second later, I looked down at my hands and found them covered in red. Blood. 

Karl's blood.

I slowly turned my head to see Karl's body sprawled out on the floor, blood sprouting from his chest as his heart pumped for the last time. It wasn't my first time seeing a dead body but Edward's had been far less gruesome and violent. 

In my current state, I almost didn't see Karl's body turn white. His clothes, his hair, all lost its color. All the brightness of Karl was drained away and, to my surprise, he started to fade. Little particles of him floated off into the air before disappearing completely. It started off at his feet and then , slowly but surely, Karl disappeared, the little dust particle along with him. The only sign that he had ever been here was his blood all over the floor. 


Red flashed again and this time I found myself standing over the butler's body, blood dripping form my blade. Slowly, I turned my body to face the only other person left in the room. 


But I could not do it. I resisted, I fought against the voices, to the point it hurt my head. Pain was evident in Billiam's eyes. 

"It's okay, little Wolfsbane." He murmured. "I knew that my time would come."


I shook my head. I couldn't do the deed. I fought hard to stay in control of my mind. 

"Katherine, you cannot hold off the voices for long. What is stopping you from committing the crime?" 


"The world had been so cruel to me, Billiam." A tear formed in the corner of my eye, "But is the universe really as harsh as to deny me even the smallest pleasure of love?"


Billiam wore a pained expression on his face. 

"But you do not love me, dear Katherine. And I am not afraid to die. I plan on greeting death like an old friend." He glanced at the egg. 

"The egg is getting impatient, Katherine. You must hurry, otherwise it shall kill us both."


"We'll leave now." I said, trying to reason my way out of this situation. "We'll burn the egg and we'll escape, far far away from here."

Billiam shook his head. "Only one of us will make it out alive."


I couldn't take it anymore. I walked up to Billiam, breathing in deep breaths as I maintained eye contact. 

"Please Katherine, remove your mask." Billiam requested with a blank expression. "If I were to die then I want your face to be the last thing I see."

Reluctantly, I removed my mask and threw it aside. I turned back to Billiam, shaking. 

"It had been quite a ride, Sir Billiam III" My smile was bittersweet.

"It was my greatest honor, Lady Katherine II." He returned. 


I pressed the handle of the blade into Billiam's hand. His eyes flashed red and before I could even acknowledge what was happening, he raised his blade and pierced it through my heart. I fell to the floor, bleeding out. 

It didn't take him long to find out what he did. He realized what had happened and what I had done. I had sacrificed myself for him. But, he must've decided that a world without me was not one that he could live in, because a few moments later, he dropped down next to me, our blood mixed together. I reached out my hand for him and he did the same, but I never got to feel his hand as my body stilled. 

But, in that moment, I had never felt more loved. 


The two laid next to each other in a pool of their blood. Their hands reaching out for each other, but not quite touching, because they found out that the universe really was that cruel. 

Not every love story starts with a Once Upon a Time and ends with a Happily Ever After, but this was a love story, nonetheless. This was a twisted version of Romeo and Juliet, ending with the same bittersweet curse. 

Two lovers, untied in death. 

Please let me know what you guys want more of in this book!!

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