Ch. 1 A Man Can Dream

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James is sitting in the fancy lobster restaurant, The Blue Crab, waiting for his date to get out of the bathroom. James thinks about how she had licked her plate clean, a plate full of surf and turf with both the sides, let out a slight burp, slumped back into her seat and rubbed her belly.
"I don't know what it is about seafood," she says, "it's all so good I just can't let it go to waste."
"Well I'd always encourage you to clean your plate, especially when it's such a delicious meal." James responds.
The waitress stops in front of their table and asks "Is there anyway you two left room for dessert?"
James' date's eyes lit up, "do you have a chocolate lava cake?"
"We sure do!" The waitress confirms.
James' date looks at him and says "let's split one!"
"Oh I'm happy to order one for each of us" James replies.
His date looks at him kind of funny, "there's no way I've got room for an entire lava cake, silly."
"You're right," James looks at the waitress, "one lava cake please."

James is pulled out of his thought by the waitress setting the lava cake down on the table, "Enjoy!"
His date sits back down after freshening up in the bathroom. She smells pleasant, as if she had touched up on her perfume. She's wearing a pink sundress, that clearly is starting to get a little snug around the belly. James smiles at her as she sits down, thinking about her again and how sexy her big appetite is. His date grabs a spoon and pokes it into the cake, as the chocolate lava flows from the center of the cake, she licks her lips.
James sticks his spoon in the cake,
"You sure are passionate about food aren't you?"
His date smiles, "how do you mean?"
"Well I've met women who love to eat because they know what they like and it always tastes so good," James says, "but you seem to enjoy the act of eating, especially in big quantities."
His date looks at him funny again, "I mean, I'm serious when I say I can't handle myself around seafood, but normally I like to eat normal portions."
James continues to push a little more, "have you ever thought about getting fed by someone else?"
His date's smile goes away.
"No, never, that does not sound fun to me."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I must have gotten the wrong idea." Says James.
"I'm kind of confused what kind of idea you have about me" his date asks.
James shrugs and looks at her. "I find it incredibly attractive the way you eat until you're full, then you eat some more. I noticed that your dress was getting a little tight, some people think that's something you need to fix, need to lose, I think it's beautiful."
His date sets down her spoon.
"Hey weirdo, I bloat when I eat fried foods, thanks for pointing that out. I may eat large portions sometimes but that's because I work out regularly enough to have cheat days."
She gets up from the table and grabs her purse. She pulls down her dress as she gets up.
"You seem like a nice guy, but I can't get behind that fetish, I'm sorry."
She leaves the restaurant, as James sighs.

James finishes the lava cake, pays the bill, and hops in a taxi headed towards home. As he rides in the taxi cab he sits and daydreams about his date, thinking about her stuffing her face with cake, and her belly grows until it rips out of her tight dress. James smiles, as the taxi pulls in front of his apartment. He pays the fee, greets the doorman, and takes the elevator to his apartment. He gets home, rips his clothes off, takes a shower, then goes to bed.
As he falls asleep, his phone on the charger buzzes with a new notification from Tinder.

"You've been Super-Liked by Alice Dempsey"

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