Ch. 2 Realizing Old Flairs

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Alice Dempsey graduated from high school with James, and she has never been able to get him out of her head. It being almost a decade since graduation, Alice is worried that James will notice she has plumped up. But Alice isn't going to lie to herself, she loves being so soft, and almost wishes to get softer. She finds it so sexy that her buttons are getting tight on her jeans, her bras are getting hard to clip together, and she fucking loves eating.
Her dating life has been disappointing to say the least, and she's decided to trust Tinder to find her the man of her dreams.
Alice pulls up the Uber Eats app on her phone. She works from home as an IT associate for a large banking company. She just clocked out at around 5:30 pm Friday evening and her stomach was already starting to rumble. She scratches her butt, and un-wedgies her gray sweat shorts. Her white spaghetti strap tightens up just below her belly button, she tries to pull the shirt down, but it just rides back up. Alice shrugs, and orders a few burgers from Burger King, large fries, large milkshake. As she waits for her order to be delivered, she hops on Tinder.
She does the usual swiping left and right, not really looking for the kind of man she'd really want to be with. The doorbell rings, and she scurries downstairs to the door. The driver hands her a greasy bag of Burger King, and a mainly melted milkshake. She tips the driver cash, and takes it back up to her living room. She turns on the TV, and unloads her two whoppers, large fries, and chocolate shake. She watches the National cheerleading championships as she shoves the first whopper into her mouth, ketchup dripping on the wrapper.
In high school, Alice was a fairly popular cheerleader. Alice was always passionate about the sport, but hated the constant pressure of always feeling like she had to stay thin. She loved hanging out with James after practice. He'd always take her to the local Dairy Queen, and they'd get Blizzards together, or share fries and chicken fingers.
Alice smiled as she remembered fond memories with James, and finished the last bite of the first whopper. She rubs her belly as her free hand grabs a handful of fries.
After high school, Alice went to college where she quickly gained the Freshman 15. She initially tried to lose it, but found herself really liking what she was seeing in the mirror. She was so busy in college to have any down time, but she always chose to eat what she wanted, and didn't worry about ever working out. She graduated college with her IT degree, and has been working from home ever since. She finally has some down time to just relax and indulge herself whenever she wants.
Alice reaches for the milkshake, takes a sip through the straw, and quickly realizes just how melted the drink is. She pops the lid off and takes the straw out, and puts her lips up to the edge of the cup and begins chugging the melted milkshake. Some milkshake begins to leak out the sides of her lips, and she quickly pulls the cup away, out of breath from chugging the thick milkshake. She grabs a napkin and wipes the milkshake that had started to roll down her neck. As she's wiping the sticky milkshake, she drags her thumb along her neck near her chin, and discovers how chubby her chin has gotten. She pinches her double chin and smiles. She's getting overweight.
After finishing the rest of the Burger King, she hops back on Tinder, and continues to swipe. After about 15 swipes, and some awkward direct message conversations later, Alice was about to go to bed when she decided to swipe a few last times. She swiped two more times then froze in her tracks. Staring at her on the screen was James. Her jaw dropped as she scrolled through the pictures, the fact he was still that cute guy with the sweet smile warmed her heart. She decided to use one of her few super likes, put the phone down, and went to bed.

James woke up at 10 am, rolled out of bed, grabbed his phone, and walked to his toilet for his morning piss. As he used the toilet he scrolled through his notifications on his phone. When he saw the Tinder notification, he nearly dropped his phone in the toilet.
Alice Dempsey... the name sounded so sweet in his head. He never knew why they couldn't make it work between them. She wanted to go to school in their home town because they had a good computer science program. James wanted to try out NYU and try to find success in the big city. They drifted apart during college, but he's always missed and cherished the times they shared in high school. He washed his hands and quickly super-liked her back. Tinder then indicates to James that they are a match and Alice gets a buzz on her phone telling her she has a new match. James quickly starts a direct message.

"What a pleasant surprise :)"

Alice was eating her second bowl of cereal when she got the message. She plopped her spoon down and grabbed her phone.

"Lonely in New York too huh?"

James smiles at that. She's in the city.

"I would be lying if I said I didn't miss you"

Alice nervously takes a bite of Captain Crunch.

"You know, I was just reminiscing on the great times we had together"

James can't help but get excited.

"Would it be possible to reminisce on the good times together, tonight, for dinner?"

Alice nearly knocks over her bowl as she jumps for joy.

"I would absolutely love that :)"

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